It's finally time after all these years of suffering for my kingdom, we can finally fight back. I fear the death of many of my subjects today and even the death of my own family. Nevertheless, we're ready and we will fight even if it means the end of all. With my parents and Hunter by my side we gather all the people of Latuniovia and Fanquinsia and provide them with our strongest weapons, it is time for the fight to begin.
Author's Note: Note to my readers if you do not enjoy gore or violence I would suggest you stop reading here, the next few paragraph's will be completely unlike me writing in gore and blood and detail. Keep calm and Love Reading. ~Amaterasu
"Who are we fighting for?!" I yell.
"Our kingdoms!" reply the people.
"Are we going to try and win with all our might?!" I exclaim.
"Yes, your majesty!" They yell back confidentially.
"Charge!" I thrust my sword up and we start galloping towards the giant and his army of elves on our unicorns.
I jump off my unicorn and immediately start fighting the Giant's elves, they're not very strong. I stab one in the stomach, another in the head watching his eyes roll back into bloodiness, a third by stabbing him right where his heart is, then I finally reach where the giant stands.
"Give up Tokio your army isn't as strong as mine!" I yell.
Tokio laughs. "I'll give up when I'm done squishing all of you pesky fairies, oh wait I'll have won by then," he says in a stuck up tone. I glare at him.
"You will never win, Hunter and I will fight and so will our kingdoms!" I reply.
"Oh is that so? What is a kingdom without it's king eh?" he says. He lifts his foot and there to my horrible astonishment, lie my father. He no longer had a head just pure blood running out of his severed neck and veins, his bones stuck up everywhere like he had been thrown a million times. His body lay in pieces everywhere in a pool of blood and all that was left that I could recognize him by was the crown shattered and spread all throughout his body. I gasp in astonishment seeing his severed arteries, lungs, and his heart spilt in two blackened like the heart of this giant. I look up and see Tokio distracted, so I ran up his leg in anger, I slash through his stomach and his neck and fly up to watch him crash backwards onto the ground. I wasn't satisfied, I wanted to fully avenge my father so I took out his big heart and slashed every ounce of it until blood was spilt all over Tokio's body. I then cut the rest of his neck and put his head on the biggest ax I could find, I threw it with anger deep into the forest until I see no more of what was left of him. I still feel no satisfaction so I cut and sever every inch of Tokio's dead body and wipe the blood off my mouth after doing it.
The Next Day (Hunter's POV)
I don't know what on Earth Yosei was thinking yesterday at the fight, severing Tokio's body like that was unbearable. Most of her people fear her now and that is not good for the future queen. Her coronation is two day from now, I'm afraid that this won't give her any closure for what happened yesterday. She told me last night how she feels a yearning to go back and just keep hurting Tokio even though he's dead and there is nothing more she can do to him. She destroyed every tiny sliver of him and all that's left are pieces of skin, his body, and blood, dark dry red blood everywhere in the grass. I don't know what will give her closure now, I know our wedding is adding onto that stress though too. I fear for her now, I fear that my love has been broken by this udder horribleness, but it's not her fault, but only mine. I suggested this fight to get her kingdom and mine free, but instead it hurt her more, I fear that I have caused too much pain to my love and our kingdoms, maybe it would be best if I leave. NO, I can't leave not at a time like this, a this time I must remain by her side at all times and try to fix the pain and suffering I have caused upon us, it is now my sworn duty as future king to do anything and everything for my Yosei. I will protect her with my life and my love. I just hope that will help me make up for what I've done.
FantasyA story of a teenage fairy princess who foolishly falls in love with a boy in her human form, but has to make difficult choices for her people along the way.