Chapther-8-Understanding pain

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Mine’s. Chapter 8 and 9-Understanding Pain

Narrator-Jun Kazar

              We opened the doors to the dining hall, and Algon turned and said to me, “This must be one of those “Fancy” slave units were they have building and dining halls for slaves, at other slave units slave would just eat of the floor and of their faces, some would even be fed, I would sit and watch them die, day by day I watched my friends die, so death isn’t new to me”, “That sounds, harsh”, I said. We sat down and a guard approached us. I turned and looked at him, he was looking at Algon, so I looked at Algon. He was looking in the guards face, with a face of death, a face that’s saying “I’m going to kill you””. Then the guard walks up to Algon and drops a basket of assorted foods in front of him, “Eat up, you deserve it”, said the guard, “You sure? If anyone finds out, they will kill you.”, “I don’t care, I know I’m doing the right thing”, “Hmm, good boy, now begone”, Algon said. The guard walked away, quickly. “Wow, you got lucky”, I said, “Luck? There has been no day in my life were I have been lucky, this if just fortune”, he replied. “Now, Mr.Zinot..”, “Algon is fine, my father was Mr.Zinot”, he said, “Ok, Algon, Tell me what happened after Emma got captured, she told about your childhood already, I want to know what happened after that.” “Well, were do I start” New Narrator-Algon Zinot

               It started when the Royalist stopped coming and asking for taxes. My brother Zane used to say, “I wonder if they got lost in a cave”, but he was just prolonging the inevitable. After 3 months they came, and burn down my village. They came I to my house, my father ran at them, but that man, he just cut his head of in an instant. Then he went to my sisters, and he slaughtered them one by one including my brothers, right in front of me. My mother turned and looked at me, she had tears running down face, I was crying uncontrollably, but she whispered in my ear, taking her last breath, “Son, I want to remember something, Fight, you have to fight, if you fight you will Survive, and in this world that’s all that matters, survival, and you were a born survivor.” Then “BANG”, the man shot my mother’s head in front of me and her blood splashed in my face. I turned around, not in fear, but having the last words of my mother ringing in my ear, I couldn’t give up, even everyone important to me died right in front of me, I have to survive. So I stared my families Killer in the eye, with eyes of vengeance. I got up “tried” to fight him of, but he hit me away with an inhuman force. He felt different, he had a strange aura. He walked outside of the house and the house started to fall apart in front of me. But I had to survive, so I went to center of the house, and it burned around me. When I woke up, my village was barren wasteland, dead bodies all around. But there he was, standing in front of me. Long Black hair, a burn mark across his left eye, and his right had a swirl inside it, and the swirl would split into sections and each section had a different color, Blue, Red and Black. “Hello child”, he said. “Why, no, who, WHO ARE YOU!” “Hmm, why do you want to know that”, he said while his soldiers around him laughed. “I want to know that when I grow up and get power, I can KILL you”, I said. “Power you say, you want power? I can give you power”, he replied. “SHUT THE FUCK UP, I DON’T ANYTHING FROM YOU”, I shouted, “Come now, lets make a deal, you cooperate with, and we will give you power, the power to kill me, in 8 years time. I can even arrange that you meet your friend Emma back”, he implied, “NO, she’s…she’s……SHE’S DEAD LIKE THE REST OF THEM, YOU CAN’T TRICK ME!!”, I shouted, “No, she’s alive, and I can arrange that she stays that way for 8 years. My opened up, this my first opportunity, say yes and I might live, and get Emma back, but maybe they were tricking me, and just wanted to kill me, but if they wanted to kill me they would done it already, they wouldn’t waste their time with this idle chatter. So I said yes, “Fine, I accept”, I said, “Good, by the way my name’s Alexander, Alexander Miraj”, “Alright Miraj, I’ll give you 9 years”, I said, “9 years?” Miraj said, “Yeah, 8 years to train and 1 extra year for you to prepare to die”, I said, “I’ve never seen a child as determined as you, you do have that blood running through your veins, you just needed something to hold on too”, he whispered, “What did you say?!”, I replied, “Sorry but do you know what the M means in your middle name, Algon M. Zinot”, “No I don’t but I don’t need to know”, “Hehe, that what you think”, he said. Then he took his gun and hit it on my head and everything started to get black. Then I woke up in a bright room, It had illuminated rocks hanging from the ceiling to keep it bright. And then I feel a pain on the bottom right side of my body, I looked and they were placing something inside of an torn open part of my flesh. But after that I was knocked back out cold. Then I woke up again, but It felt different. I looked up, my blood was running down from my arms, I looked down, blood was running down my feet and my arms and feet were in tremendous pain. It turns out I was nailed to a stake, to test my endurance, my body was numb to the bone. But I felt different, my mind tells me that I should be in pain, it tells me I should have died by blood loss, but why was I alive? Why? How? I don’t understand what took place, but the torture got worse. Day after day they would shoot me, cut me and damage my body. They would call me a freak, because WHY was I still alive after that. Then… They decided to cut each of my limbs of, one my one, and that they did. Then is where I felt pain, my bones snapped, my blood spilled. But over night, they left my torso on the ground…..And they all woke up to see my limbs completely grown back, in tact. I don’t know how, but I can still walk and fight today, I don’t know how but I’m here, alive, and Surviving. No one can Kill me, not until I get me revenge, not until I fulfill Emma’s dream of seeing the outside world, not until all the Royalist are dead, I will live on, I will break out of slavery, and I will escape these Fucking Mines alive with Emma, and you Jun, if you want to come along. “…..What a story, it’s going to take me a while to think about that”, said Jun, “What is to think about, Miraj is going to die, and I’m gonna kill him with my bare hands, rip his heart out and feed it to the Blood Wolves(An underground wolf that is as big as a horse and it drinks the blood of its prey, the Mines’ most lethal predator). Other slaves were around at the time listening, they didn’t believe me…at first, “You expect us to believe you had your limbs cut of and they grew back? Do you think were idiots?!”, said one slave, “Yes, I do think you’re an idiot,” I replied, “To be honest that story sounds to farfetched, no human can regenerate limbs and body parts, only reptiles can do that(underground reptiles have regeneration powers). “Oh really,” I said. I got up and went to a guard and took his sword, “Hey what the hell,” said the guard, I took the sword from so quickly he couldn’t react. Then, I chopped of my right hand in front of everyone. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!,” shouted Jun, “You can have your sword back, “Sir”.” “You, your insane, Master Gideon was right about you, your crazy,” said the guard. Everyone looked shocked but I could never understand why, all I did was cut of my hand, don’t they see that on a regular basis? Probably not, they are all still weak, including Jun, If he wants to start a rebellion, he has to learn and understand pain. “Didn’t that hurt?” said Jun, “Were you not listening to the story? Pain doesn’t affect me, until Alexander Miraj is dead, Nothing will kill me. “Well I’m convinced, let me help you, I’m a good fighter,” said Jun, “Oh really, hmm, fine, but if you die there won’t be a funeral, death comes to all who follow me.

Next Chapter-10-Death means Nothing

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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