First Date?

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Harry walks down the dark hallway towards the Slytherin common room, Malfoy had asked him to meet him there at midnight. "What could Draco Malfoy want with me?" Harry wondered to himself, he'd had a crush on him since the first time they met, he covered it up with being mean and dating girls, but he always felt horrible after saying anything mean, he would always mouth "I'm sorry" after saying anything rude. As for dating girls, it never felt right, he never felt a connection. "I don't love him. It's just a stupid crush. Maybe not even a crush... you can think someone is handsome or pretty and not want to date them. Hermione is really pretty but I don't want to date her. Ron is good looking but I would never date him, ew. And Malfoy... his beautiful eyes... his hair... NO!! I don't like him." Harry said to himself. "I have to get over this, nothing will ever happen... I'll never hold his hand, never feel him kiss me. Never be held in his arms, never hear him say 'I do', never own a house, raise a child... never hear him say he loves me... once this year is over... I'll never see him again..." Harry didn't realize how much Draco meant to him until he began to cry at the thought of never seeing him again. He stepped in front of the door, dried his eyes, checked his watch, 12:01, and walked in. He saw Draco sitting in the couch in the same clothes he had on in class earlier, just minus his tie and it was more wrinkled. His hair was in a curly blonde mess, it looked so much better like this, not all slicked back. Harry took off his invisibly cloak, startling Draco. He sat down and said "So. You told me to meet you here?"

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