Yes. But I Hate You More.

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Once Draco left, Harry did too. He went to the store and bought a bouquet out roses, ingredients for everything he was planning on making, a bunch of fairy lights, a big box of chocolates, a giant teddy bear, a blank sign, and some sharpies. Once he had everything bought, he headed back. He started to cook everything and while it was in the oven he started to set up the fort, he cleared the dining room of furniture, except the chairs, put sheets over them, put fairy lights all inside of it, and a ton of blankets and pillows inside the fort. Finally once he was done with the food and fort he put dinner on a small TV tray in the fort. He made steak and mashed potatoes (Draco's favorite), and for dessert brownies. Again. He put the bear about 10 ft in front of the front door with it holding the roses and a sign that says "Draco I love you so much. Please don't cry". Harry went upstairs and changed into a suit, when he came back down he turned off all the nights except for the faint glow from the dining room fort. At 4:55 he hid behind the bear, ring box in hand. At 5:01 Draco walked in, when he heard the door open his heart skipped a beat. He was so nervous. Draco turned the lights on and nervously laughed. "Harry. Why would I cr..." Draco had an idea on what was coming, he knew if he was right. He would cry. He was right. Harry walked out from behind the bear, took Draco's hands, got down on one knee and proceeded to say... "Draco Lucius Malfoy. I don't know when I fell in love with you, but 2 years ago, I realized that I was in love with you. I'd always thought you were gorgeous, smart, adorable, amazing, I could go on for hours. You've given up so much for me, and I'm so grateful. I've never had a real family, but you've been my family. I would love it if you would become my family forever, and marry me?" Harry said as he pulled out the ring.
"Yes." Draco said between sobs. "yes! YES YES YES!!!" Draco said more enthusiastic this time. Harry slid the ring onto his hand and was immediately pulled into an embrace. "You win." Draco whispered into Harry's ear
"I know" Harry said back "come with me" Harry said as he grabbed Draco's arm, flipped off the lights and lead him to the fort. Where they ate dinner and cuddled. Harry pulled Draco out and turned on "kiss me" by Ed Sheeran and he and Draco danced
"Can this be our first dance?" Draco asked
"Please." Harry replied
"I love you." Draco
"Hm? What was that?" Harry teased as he had done on their first date.
"I said I hate you."
"I love you more. Oops I meant hate"
"That isn't possible."
They danced, cuddled, talked, and eventually fell asleep in the fort Harry built. Harry woke up first and went to get up to make breakfast but was quickly pulled back down by his now fiancé.. "just a bit longer" Draco mumbled. Harry laughed, and snuggled into Draco's chest. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry tighter, and they both fell asleep again. When Harry woke up for the second time, he again tried to get up to make breakfast again. "NOOOOO!!!!!" Draco shouted
"Dray. It's 10:42, let me go make pancakes"
"Pancakes sound good, but staying here with you sounds better" Draco said as he flopped on top of Harry, prohibiting him from getting up
"Draco Lucius Malfoy. Let me get up and make breakfast"
"How about... no." Draco said giggling, both were 100% awake now, but Draco refused to let Harry get up.
"You leave me no choice..." Harry said as he began to tickle his fiancé
"HARRYY!!! STOP!! STOP! I CANT BREATHE!!!" Draco yelled in between bursts of laughter due to Harry tickling him ruthlessly.
"THEN YOU GET TICKLED ALL DAY!!" Draco took Harry's brief break of tickling him as an opportunity to grab his shirt and flip him onto his back and sit on top of him.
"AHAHA! I HAVE GAINED THE UPPER HAND!!" Draco yelled, but as he finished speaking Harry grabbed a pillow, smacked him with it, then grabbed Draco and pulled him down into a hug. "I love you so fucking much"
"I love you more fucking much"
"That's not even proper English" Draco said laughing
"je t'aime davantage" (translates to "I love you more")
"HARRY!! I DON'T UNDERSTAND FRENCH!" Draco yelled. Harry had learned some French in their last year at Hogwarts and commonly annoyed Draco by speaking it.
"I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU'RE SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!!!" Harry retorted and Draco blushed
"WELL I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW FUCKING AMAZING YOU ARE!!!" Draco shouted back and he grabbed his fiancé and began to kiss him. After a while of kissing, they stopped and laid down for a little longer. Draco loosened his grip for a split second and when he did so Harry bounded up and ran into the kitchen.
"AHAHA!!! I AM FREE! I CAN NOW MAKE BREAKFAST!!! I WIN!!" He started doing a ridiculous victory dance.
"Harry.." Draco was trying to say between laughs, he couldn't hardly breathe. Harry looked so ridiculous. "You look ridiculous" Draco sputtered between laughs and gasps for air
"Dance with me" Harry said continuing his ridiculous dance moves. Draco laughed and began to dance with him. After about 10 minutes, Harry started to make pancakes as promised. Draco was sitting at the counter staring at Harry.
"Why are you staring at me?"
"Cause I'm figuring out a way to one up you from last night." Harry laughed "I got it!"
"My vows will be way better!!!"
"Challenge accepted" Harry said smirking.

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