First Date? Pt 2

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"Uh. Yeah..." Draco said, biting his nails. He seemed visibly nervous. After a few long seconds of silence Harry spoke "potter, why were you crying? Your cheeks are red"
"It's nothing Malfoy. Leave it alone"
"Okay. Are you okay though?" Harry was shocked at the seeming concern in his voice.
"Yes. Thanks.." they stared at each other for a second before Draco broke the silence.
"I uh... wanted to talk to you."
Harry suddenly got excited, "What did he want to talk to ME about?? Does he like me?? Shit, maybe he found out I like him and he's just fucking around with me. How would he know?? I haven't told anyone!.."
"How could be find out?? Who else knows?! Does Ron?! Does Hermione?!.."
"Potter!!" Draco was worried, Harry suddenly look really worried and seemed really deep in thought. "Does he know I like him??"
"If he knows and he doesn't feel like same way! That'll be so bad! I'll be known as the school fag!!"
"Harry!" Draco said and waved in front of his face, Harry snapped out of his thought, shocked that he said his first name. "What the hell was that??" Draco said, seeming concerned.
"Sorry. I guess I just zoned out... you used my first name."
"Well you didn't respond to your last the first 2 times I said something"
"Sorry. I didn't hear you."
"What were you thinking about so deeply. You looked really freaked out. Frankly you looked stupid" Draco felt bad saying he looked stupid, but he didn't want Harry to think that he liked him if he didn't like him back.
"Sorry. It's stupid. Bye Malfoy." Harry said getting up to leave
"Harry! Wait! Please." Draco stood up as well
"Why? Why Malfoy? So you can just bully me? Tease me? What could you possibly want with me? You never say anything nice to me! So what should
I expect?!" Harry said, sounding really hurt. Draco was hurt at how little Harry thought of him.
"I'm sorry I've been such an asshole. I'm sorry!" Draco said almost yelling, "I'm sorry! Okay? I said it, I finally apologized! I'm sorry that I've made fun of you for years. I'm sorry I never say anything nice to you! Want to hear something nice?? I think you look really nice right now, I think you look really nice everyday! I think you're really attractive, and nice, and smart! I think you're fucking adorable, especially when you're really focused and you stick the tip of your tongue out! Or when you laugh so hard you can barely breathe! Every time I see you with Ron or Hermione, I wish I could make you look that happy! But all I do is make you upset and feel bad about yourself. I don't know what I'm supposed to say, to make up for everything! I'm sorry..." Draco took a deep breathe, then looked up at Harry, he looked stunned, not relived or excited or anything. "Fuck he doesn't feel the same way" Draco thought, he then turned and ran out of the Slytherin common room. "Draco wait!" Harry yelled. Harry ran after him but he couldn't find him, he went to the lake outside of Hogwarts, where he found Draco sitting under a tree, head in his knees and sobbing. Harry walked up to him, grabbed his hand pulled him up and ran with him to a different part of the lake where you can't be seen from the school.
"Draco. I'm sorry I..."
"Don't feel the same way. I get it..." Draco said and started to cry again
"That's not what I was going to say. I'm sorry I didn't say anything to you, it must have taken a lot of bravery to say all that. And I wish I could have had the bravery to do what I'm about to do now right after you said it.." Harry grabbed Draco's waist and pulled him closer and kissed him. Draco was stunned for a second, but kissed him back. "I love you." Draco muttered between breaths.
"Hm? What was that?" Harry teases
"I said I hate you." Draco teases back
"I love you more. Oops. I meant hate"
"That isn't possible" Draco says as he kisses Harry again. This felt right to Harry, as it did to Draco.

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