Everything She Wants

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"I'm exhausted," Olivia tossed her back onto the table and plopped down beside Edison. He twisted to look at her – she wasn't joking. Large, dark bags were prominent against her chocolate skin, drawing attention away from the sparkling brown of her eyes.

"Trouble sleeping?" It was a question he already knew the answer to just by looking at her. If he had to guess, her sudden insomnia was the result of her latest boy trouble. Not that he knew what the trouble entailed, but Olivia rarely was in a happy, uncomplicated relationship.

"You have no idea," she sighed, resting her head on her folded arms. She didn't bother pretending to sip the cold coffee he had waiting for her.

"Which one?" He tried chuckling to cover up the bitterness of his tone. He hadn't meant to say those exact words; they tumbled out before he could stop them. Olivia shrugged, seeming to brush off his tone as she picked at her leggings.

"Why do you always jump to conclusions and think I'm having boy trouble?" She sounded annoyed – he hated to annoy her.

"Because..." He bit his tongue, hard. He felt the blood pouring into his mouth and tried not to gag on the coppery taste. She wouldn't enjoy his, 'Because you always have boy trouble' comment.

"I haven't heard from my boyfriend in a few days." His head snapped to the side, allowing him to stare openmouthed at her. Olivia had a boyfriend? He knew she had a tendency to dangle a few different boys in front of herself, but she was seeing someone?

"Since when does my best friend keep secrets?" He tried not to sound hurt. Olivia almost always told him everything that went through her head. It didn't make sense for her to be keeping secrets.

"When it's the kind of thing she hasn't told anyone?" Olivia shrugged, she sounded like she wanted him to drop it. As much as he wanted to know who the mystery man in her life was, he knew not to push her.

"Are we still on for this evening?" We were going to see the new Hunger Games movie. He wasn't a fan of the movies, but Olivia loved them.

"Uh, yeah." She sounded distant as her gaze locked on two girls from one of her classes standing by the glass, double doors. He couldn't remember their names, but knew they had some big project they were doing together.

"Give me a minute," she said, standing and walking away from the table. He watched as she walked away, enjoying the sight of her shapely legs in the tight skinny jeans she was wearing. Yet another surprise from Olivia. She never wore anything so form fitting.


He almost missed the low shrill coming from the phone laying near his elbow, but the harsh vibration alerted him to its presence. He glanced at the screen, catching a glimpse of the name on the screen before it went black. Swinging his head in Olivia's direction, he placed his hand around her phone. She had her back turned to him – she wouldn't know. Sliding his finger across the screen, he typed the four digit password she had set on her phone and opened her messages. He didn't recognize the name attached to the unread message.

"Fitz?" he whispered to himself, hitting the message and reading the text. He said he was in New York and wanted her to call him. He must be the boyfriend she mentioned. Strange. She never mentioned him before. There wasn't a day that went by that she didn't mention Jason, the exact definition of egotistical school jock, or Liam – her martial arts teacher. Sometimes she mentioned her friend Abby's brother, Chris, but that wasn't often – she reserved her thoughts for him when he was in town.

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