Chapter 5

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The rain had let up mid afternoon, which gave me a little time to get in the field and do some work. It was too muddy for the tractor, so I just did some tilling by hand. I enjoy that better, sometimes. It's harder work, but it's more peaceful. There's no roar of an engine; there's just the sound of nature.

I jump over the fence and walk to the barn to check on the horses before I go in for the night. One of my mares is pregnant, and I'm expecting her to deliver anytime now.

They hear me tap on the side of the barn as I walk in as I do every time letting them know I'm coming. My older colt starts snorting in excitement when he sees me coming. I give him a rub on his head as I walk by. "Hey, Rusty! How's it going, buddy?"

Next stop is Sugar, my pregnant mare. She's laying in her bed of hay clearly miserable at this stage of pregnancy. Her last colt didn't make it. He was born in the middle of an ice storm. I made it to the barn right after she gave birth. He had gotten too cold by the time I could get to him. I'd brought him inside to bottle feed and warm, but he didn't make it twenty four hours.

"Hey, Sugar girl. You don't look like you're feeling too well." I open up the door to her stall and kneel down beside her rubbing her mane. She grunts letting me know she acknowledges me. "I'll call the vet tomorrow and have him give you a look. How's that sound?"

I usually handle my mares during this time, but Sugar has been known to have a rough time birthing. The vet comes once a week to make sure there isn't anything unusual. He was here just two days ago, but she seems more troubled than I'd like her to be. It's nothing that can't wait until tomorrow. A good night's rest should help her feel better.

I make sure the rest of the horses are good and settled for the night before I turn lights off and close things up. It's been a long day, but after the funeral the rain persisted enough that I was able to take a break from outside work.

"Bo! Come on, boy." I holler. "Time to go inside." Before I can open the door, he comes hauling around the corner of the house at break neck speed and about takes the door out because he can't stop fast enough. "Woah there, bud. Don't forget to use your breaks next time." I say with a laugh, giving him a pat on the side.

"Cadddyy! I'm in. What do you want for dinner?" I open the fridge eyeing the lack of options. Suddenly, my phone pings with a message.

I got hungry. Spaghetti is in the oven. I already ate. Doing homework.

"What? Seriously." I say to myself, incredulously. "Ten years old and has dinner ready for me? I could get-."

Before I get the rest of my verbal thought out, my phone pings again.

Don't get used to it. Dinner's on you tomorrow night.

Who is this kid? A freaking mind reader? Letting out a huff I grab the baked spaghetti from the oven and dish a whole plate full for myself. "I guess I can eat on the couch tonight since I'll be eating alone." I might be a bit whiny, but I enjoy dinners with my sister. It's all I have left to look forward to coming inside at night.

I grab a bottled beer from the fridge and plop on the couch. The news is on TV, and we're expected to get some bad weather this week. It's nothing we're not used to. We had a tornado come through and take our barn out a couple years ago. It was unexpected, so the horses weren't in there. They were still in the field; thankfully none of them were harmed.

I scarf my dinner down letting out a loud burp. "Eww. Why do you have to be so disgusting. No wonder you're single." Cady's voice sounds as she comes down the stairs.

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