Chapter 12

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"Ya know we ain't the Dukes of Hazzard? You don't gotta fly down the driveway like that." Cady mouthed off at Cash and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. She knows just how to get under his skin. He just shakes his head and turns his lip up just enough I can tell he's smiling at what she said.

I know something is off with him ever since I mentioned the potential buyer. We both know what that means. I can't pretend like there isn't something between us, but I also can't let myself explore whatever it may be. We've already gone too far, and reality is, I'm not here forever.

After dropping Cady off with her friend, we go back down the road we came, out of town again to Aunt Karen's. The only thing louder than the silence is the lanyard with a badge clipped to it hitting the dash with every bump we hit swinging it back and forth and the squeak of the old metal holding together the bench seat of this truck.

I was stupid to live in the moment and now things are awkward. Awkward I can handle. I'm the queen of awkward. I enjoy making people feel awkward and watching them squirm. What I can't handle are the memory flashes of his hands on my hips, under my shirt. The heat of his rough, calloused touch on my skin and his lips softly teasing mine--"

"Are you okay over there?" Cash interrupts the silence between us and the mouth watering memory replaying in my mind.

My mouth has become dry and I can't get my words out. "Huh? Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I also hadn't realized I was biting my lip and griping my knee so hard my knuckle had turned white.

"Okay, well you look like you're about to piss your pants. I mean, I know this truck makes for a bumpy ride--"

"I'm good." I cut him off giving him a tight smile and look out the passenger window while he goes back to minding his own business.

The insurance adjuster had called earlier and wanted to meet before noon to assess the damage from the tornado. The Toyota Prius that looked to be white beneath the layer of dust must've been her because nobody interested in this property would be dumb enough to drive something that wouldn't make it down a muddy driveway.

When we pull up, a petite lady who appears to be in her fifties with silver highlights among her thick brown hair climbs out of the Prius with a clipboard in hand.

Cash doesn't turn the truck off when I open the rusty door that's hinges squeak with the slightest movement. I was half expecting him to stay and hear what the adjuster has to say. Not that it's his responsibility to do so, but part of me is disappointed he really meant he would just "drop me off".

I look up at him before using all my upper body strength to close the heavy door. "I guess I'll see you later?"

He was already watching me but I wasn't sure what he was thinking, his expression blank. "Yeah. See ya later." He was being short with me. "I can come pick you up when you're ready." I feel a lump in my throat at the distance I sense between us. "Yep," I reply. "See ya then," I say with equal flatness in my tone and shut the door leaving a quick screech of metal and a bang echo behind me as I greet the insurance adjuster.

"Hi. I'm Emma Howard, property owner." I shake her hand as she shakes mine in return. "Leslie Richmond, nice to meet you, Ms. Howard." She smiles a big lipped smile holding my hand hostage with the tiniest, softest hands. When it feels like it's been too long for the average handshake I gently ease my hand from her grip which is surprisingly tight, considering. "Uh, so, the house," I point out trying to end the most intimate moment I've ever had with a middle aged female, not that those happen often or ever.

"Righhht. The house." She says with another big lipped smile before turning towards the tree that lies over the west part of the porch. "So, a tornado, huh?"

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