Chapter 5: Memories

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Something wasn't right the minute we stepped outside Monday morning.

To catch you up on everything important that has happened since our last talk: the pack had been working all week repairing our house spending every available moment on it. Whenever Mac wasn't at the local towns garage during his weekly 7-5 shift, he was a regular handyman replacing drywall or fixing the plumbing.

Our pack tech geeks, Cain and Seth helped out Mac around the house and had gotten jobs at 'Fixing' Freaks'; a local computer and appliance repair shop where they could destroy someone elses microwave and get payed to put it back together. After they took apart Macs satellite phone, he had dragged both of them in by their collars and demanded the owner hire them, after some intimidation of course. Now, they brought work home with them and stayed away from our house appliances. Although that didn't stop me from doing an inventory check everyday

Kim had worked all week with Dora decorating and shopping before her job as an Assistant Gym Teacher at River Creek High started today. She and Dora had to forge documents for the paperwork, but like the rest of us, it was second nature by now. Kim could work there AND keep an eye on Kyle.

Carl had brought Jason, his nephew into the Diner during the week to meet Kyle and they became fast friends; making me happy that he had found someone 'normal' to talk too. Jason had showed Kyle all the 'hip' places in town even though he didn't belong to the 'it' crowd. At the moment that 'it' crowd was away, but would be back in time for the first day of school.

Which basically catches you up on everything important. So, let me get back to Monday morning, Lamarr and I had left early for work leaving extra breakfast in the pans to be reheated for the rest of the pack when their shifts would start at some NOT ungodly hour when the sun would be up, unlike us. All the way walking into town, a werewolf smell kept popping up making us tense. Lamarr had told me to keep on going, obviously not with words just a quick head tilt, as he decided to backtrack and see if he could find the source of the smell. It ended up being so faint that he eventually let it go catching up to me at the Diner. He shook his head as he approached making me go on alert scanning the vicinity for hidden eyes.

In the past week, we haven't had any contact with Supernaturals beside the kid that had almost run us over and when Seth had discovered a old scent trail that led away from town, we hadn't been worried assuming it had been the kid. Mac and I had decided to let it slide, not wanting to put a dampener on everybody's high spirits. Now, I wasn't so sure we made the right choice.

Well, what the hell did you expect? To put on a new pair of shoes and not have the other pair come running after you?, snapped my wolf.

My bat nudged my wolf, Nice metaphor.

Thanks, been coming up with it for days.

I, personally, would have gone for a new set of wings, said my bat.

Really, I was actually thinking I should have gone with a new set of . . . , whoa, censoring, too much visual. I tunned them out after that inappropriate comment. I really didn't need to know that or hear that ever again.

Ever, I yelled at them, but as usual they completetly ignore me when it wasn't important.

Throughout the morning half of my shift, my mind kept playing scenarios in my head; a trap being set for when we step outside or a hunting party that had dogs waiting to be let loose. It had happened too many times in the past and being the 2nd in command, I was protective off my pack. The feelings of worry I was getting from Kyle over the Sire bond just feed my anxiety, but I ignored it, being his first day of school he was bound to be nervous.

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