Chapter 21: Ghosts

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This chapter is long and filled with a lot of information. I tried shortening it, but couldn't make myself do it. Tell me if you think I should split it into two chapters!



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Everyone was settled around the living room waiting for Budur and Lucian who were outside talking. Lucian not believing his brother wasn't surprising. Silent Death were ghosts, legends. As an adult would you believe if someone told you Santa Claus was real?

Would you?

No. Didn't think so!

Mac was sitting in his leather chair looking like he was ready to bolt. He was just as tense as I was. Dora and Kimber were on the couch while Kyle, Seth and Cain sat on the carpet stretched out in front of the TV. Lamarr and I were in the kitchen, him eating at the table while I watched the front door sitting on the counter with my arms crossed.

Dora suddenly jumped up from her seat next to Kimber and walked towards the door.

"What are you doing?" Kimber whispered.

"Moving this along!" she stated grabbing the doorknob opening the door.

Light suddenly lite up the front porch.

"You won't smell anything different about us," Dora beamed stepping out onto the porch. "Why don't you come inside?"

No response came from outside. Leaning to the side I could see out the kitchen window to Lucian standing at the steps. His facial expression kept changing continuously mouth popping open and closed like a goldfish. He looked happy then worried then sad as if he wasn't sure how he felt about finally meeting us. At this exact moment I realized what a normal person looks like flabbergasted. I was the teensiest bit happy that 'The Order' had trained us to be emotionless.

"We don't bite," Dora went on smiling at him.

"MUCH," Seth yelled from the living room. Dora turned glaring while I threw an apple at him. He caught it smiling then took a bite as Dora turned her attention back to Lucian on our lawn.

Still not a word from him. Yet his face had settled on somewhere between awestruck and shock.

"No. Nothing. Budur, why don't you come in and will wait for him inside!" Dora said moving aside as he walked in. She looked back outside at Lucian, "Whenever you're ready. Okay!"

She started closing the door.

"NO. WAIT," Lucian yelled rushing up the steps and into the house bumping into Budur's back.

He stared at all of us sitting around. Dora went right up to him stretching out her hand to shake as he slowly took it.

"My name is Adora, but everyone calls me Dora," she smiled.

"Ahh. Hi," Lucian mumbled a little taken back.

"Since you seem a little shocked let me introduce everyone to you," Dora smirked. "That is Mac. Our group head," she pointed to him as he gave Lucian a head bob.

"Seth, the one who yelled," Seth smiled at Lucian, mouth full of apple.

Dora made a face at him as she pointed to Cain, "That blonde man is Cain and next to him is Kyle the youngest of our group."

"Hey," Cain acknowledged in greeting.

"Hi," Kyle waved,

"The gorgeous women on the couch is Kimber," Dora teased.

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