Chapter 35

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Sorry about the long wait for this chapter. Christmas was awesome and now being back in school sucks!





My prison is breaking down around me and I'll be damned if I let it happen willingly. The only thing to do is to take the 'bull by the horns' and I intend to. I walked to the pack field outside the main house listening to the sounds around me. The trees creaked in the wind and the patter of paws I could hear in the far off distance, but no one was close enough to hear me as I pulled out my phone and dialed.

            "Raphael Sanguin's Secretary Annie speaking. How can I help you today?" a perky voice squealed into the phone in German

I pulled my phone away from my ear, a ringing resonating in my head at her voice. God, I don't know how he hadn't gotten rid of her yet. That voice could not be worth it even if he was sleeping with her.


            I spoke back to her in German. "Annie, it's Elizabeth. Connect me to Raphael."

            "Elizabeth! Well Mr. Sanguin is busy and won't be able to talk to you. Try again later, please," her voice perky yet at the same time mocking me. This women is the only one I know who can sound friendly yet condescending at the same time. A real 'talent'.

            "Don't you dare hang up on me. Connect me to Raphael now," I snapped.

            "It's Mr. Sanguin to you, scarface. And he's bu—,"

People have been calling each other names since the beginning of time and I have been getting a load since I was a child. 'Stick and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me' is the stupidest saying to tell your child. Bones can heal in time, but words in the mind eternally poison you. It may be the silliest attempt at an insult I had heard, but I am really high strung right now.

"Listen here you little tart. You get him on the other line and tell him to talk to me or so help me, I will tell Raphael you slept with his club manager."

            "Ho—w do you know about that?" Annie whispered.

            "I just do. Know get him or I'll tell him and your days has his mistress are over, got it."

            "Hol—d please."

Annie hates me almost as much as I'm annoyed by her. When I worked for Raphael she considered me a threat to her and Raphael's epic love. I would never go there with him and I know Raphael just uses her for sex when he can't get it elsewhere. His pride would never allow him to love her, he's a Demon after all and she's a half-breed vampire, human. A lesser being. Her time with him will come to an end sooner than she realizes.

I had worked for Raphael about five years back to earn some quick cash. At the time I thought Kyle was better off without me and left him with the others. Mac never liked me taking jobs from Raphael even if he paid well because he thought I should get away from that whole life. He remembered my dark side from "The Order" and knew Raphael encouraged it. So Mac did everything he could to get me to come back. He left the rest of the pack and spend weeks hounding me trying to get through to me. The argument that finally won me over was Mac pointing out Kyle was growing up and needed me around and to be around I would need to be a good influence. Apparently that doesn't involve killing people for a living. After that I returned with Mac and took the occasional 'special' job from Raphael. By 'special' I mean a job only a super soldier, assassin could handle. Mac wasn't pleased, but overtime I weaned myself off of Raphael all together.

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