Three:Just taking things slow

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Three weeks after them at the beach

Ameki's POV

Me and the girls laughed , " hahaha that was hilarious when they were peeing in there hands and rubbing it on there stuff!" Sakura Started to hold onto her ribs, "and when you told Ren to rub his peed-on hands on my foot he looked like he saw Hell!" Lynn looked down at her foot pointing, "does it hurt anymore?" I asked as I revved up the engine," nah I think Ryo got some sweet revenge."

. . .

We got home and went straight to our rooms to change into PJs , I came back with my phone,it buzzed

-one new message from Shiro-

"Huh? I don't remember getting his phone number?" The Sakura must have bat hearing," OMG, looks like someone like my wittle Ame! Oh and Lynn went to bed early." she sat there for a minute and opened her mouth, "let me guess shiro?" I gave her the deadliest stare I could give and started typing,

-one unread message from Shiro-

S- Shiro


S- hey I know it's late, but me and the guys are open tomorrow if you all wanna hang out at the beach-well not the beach maybe our house?

A- sure! me and the girls would love too! Yeah Lynn would probably say no on the beach after what happened today.

S- Alrighty then see you tomorrow! good night! oh and Ryo and Ren told me to tell you goodnight for them.

A- hahaha ok night see ya tomorrow!

I told Sakura all about the text because she wouldn't shut up about it, after her little giggle fest I went to my green bed.

I woke up to crashing and banging, I swear to God the people making that noise will die. I quickly rushed down to see five heads, I quickly hid behind the wall, I'm still in my PJ's and don't have my hair combed! I went to my small closet and grabbed a red Tied eyed tank top and white shorts with black keds, I sneaked to the bathroom, thank you God for making me choose the room closest to the bathroom, I combed my hair put it in a bun and casually walked down the stairs,I heard a few good mornings and some heys,Lynn was cooking her delicious morning breakfast, "Glad your awake! We decided we would have breakfast then go to our place!" Ryo came to hug me, " we could've had breakfast at your place you know?" I hugged him back and tilted my hed, "well, last time we all tried to cook and we caught some food on fire...So we don't want that happening again anytime soon!" Ren exclaimed as we all sat down together to eat some bacon,eggs, and biscuits.

"Hahaha!" I nearly choked on my bacon, "you 'accidentally' spray painted your dog Lee!" Ren facepalmed, "it was on accident ok? I didn't see her and she's light brown so it didn't show 'too' bad." I stuffed the last price of bacon into my mouth and put my plate up, with that I flopped on the couch waiting for everyone to finish up. I seen a text pop up

Shiro- Watcha doing?

Ameki-Just waiting for you all to finish up

Shiro- BOOooooring

Ameki- shut up oh and HURRY UP!

Shiro-...make me

Ameki-did I hear right?


I heard him snicker a few times they all 'eventually' finished up, "I'm driving!" I rushed to my jeep and started it up, "This car only holds five." crap, crap, crap, "well then Shiro since you bugged me earlier you can drive in your car." yep I went there, he pouted, " Pwease." not the cute eyes! "I need someone to go with me!" he begged, I nearly gave in, " I will!" Make me a note to tell me to thank Ryo, I walked up to Ryo's ear and whispered," thanks, oh and he was agitating me earlier so." he whispered back, "roger that." I swear I think Ryo is one heck of a prankster.not

. . .

I got out of my stuffed like tuna jeep and stretched, " look at all the shells!" Sakura ran over to a bunch of broken and non-broken shells I went over to Ryo, " aggravate him?" he smirked, "enough for him to pull his hair.'' I went over to Shiro, "payback's a bitch?" he frowned, " I will get you back." he started running then I started running. Towards Ryo, " help!! He's chasing me!" I stood behind Ryo and hoped for the best! Dear God, if your going to take me now, don't let it be a slow death.

"Ryo! Get out of the fucking way!" he threw his arms to the sides to protect me, I thought to myself I'm not going to die I'm not going to die! Shiro pushed Ryo away to the ground and picked me up bridal style, as he picked me up we were getting closer to the shoreline! "ACK! please no! please no!" he shook his head 'no' and we were in knee deep he stopped I looked him in the eyes, "please dont!" he smirked, "Then if you don't wanna be shoked say this, 'Shiro you are the hotessed guy in the world'." I shook my head, "hell no!" he started swinging me, "ok OK OK! Shiro you are the hottessed guy in the world!" He smirked and looked me in the eyes, " I know we only met but I feel this connection with you." he pecked my lips! he freaking kissed me! I looked at the gang and saw Sakura having two thimbs up and the rest all smiles, " err, sorry I- couldn't help myself when I seen you pleading-" I shook my head, " I'm sorry, but if you like me that much we need to take things slow." he smirked, SPLASH! down we went into the water, knew it, I began choking on water, I can't swim! "Help Shiro! I can't!" I went down again I tried my best to get to the top, I gave up, and passed out , "Ameki!!! Ameki!! I felt him grab my arm

.shiro's POV

I'm so stupid! I should've asked if she could swim or not! I was thinking this the whole time since she said , " Help Shiro I cant!" I swam at full speed, we made it to the shore, I laid her on her back and pressed her stomach, didn't work,plan B CPR, I gave her CPR and then she spit water at me, that's what I get for nearly killing her.

Ameki's POV

I coughed up some water and slowly opened my eyes to see Shiro hovering over me, "I can't swim." he heard it and hugged me. "I'm so sorry- I didn't know" I held him tight, CLICK CLICK CLICK "Awwww how sweet he goes and kisses her, saves her life by making out with her, then she holds him to tell him it's not his fault." Sakura nearly took 1000 pics dammit I forgot we weren't alone. I whispered into his ear,"haha we aren't alone so they seen all that happened." well they killed the moment, "yay I can't wait till I get home for the guys to bug me." We got up and he held onto my hand, "Ren drive my car back to the house," he whispered in my ear," I'm driving the jeep and your sitting right next to me."

. . .

Yeah I know they started dating early in the book! but I need them to date right now! yeah I forgot,

Ryo, Shiro, and Ameki were friends when they were little, but Shiro got a fatal disease and lived in America till the present, so he has been in America for 7 years.

Ameki on the other hand left her parents place about 2years ago an been living in a house with Sakura and lynn,

Ryo, has only been living in America for 4 months, he luckily found Shiro living with his other friend, Ren.

Oh, and if this book gets a bunch of reads, I will make a sequel about Ryo's,Ameki's,and Shiro's past, or about two years in the future.....I might do the past one though.... I need help decideding

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