Six:Just a little fun

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Ameki's POV

After a hour and a half of InuYasha I asked mom where Shiro would sleep, she said on the convertible couch while I slept in my old room, I went up the stairs to my old room, the door had a cherry blossom tree with the petals falling to the end of the door, the door creaked my Queen size bed in the middle, my tv across from the bed, my fake cherry blossom tree lamp, and my closet and my ten gallon fish tank with my goldfish,William inside."i guess they have been feeding you William for the past two years" I unlocked my iPhone 4 and texted Ryo,

Ameki- hey Ryo!I can't believe I'm back at my parents place!
Ryo-Yeah!!Skype me out side! I want to see how the cherry blossom tree is doing!Hehehe
Ameki-wait its 10:36 pm here so it's 8:36 over in Alabama!
Ryo-So? go sSkype!

I grabbed a flashlight from the kitchen and checked on Shiro,"Ryo wants to Skype me, so wanna join?" he yawned and held my hand as we told my parents we will be right back, I sat my computer in my lap with the flashlight pointing at the tree,"Hi guys! HOLYCRAPISTHATTHETREE!" Ryo freaked out, Shiro mumbled," calm down dude...Its not that big of deal." he pouted,"yeah it does! dont make me go over there and smack sense into you!" "Are you at my house?" I asked he scratched his head, "weelllll, I brought Lee over and I can't seem to find her?" I thought of a idea,"oh! I know get the peanut butter from the kitchen!" he said 'ok' and ran out of the living room,
"Ok here it is!" he showed us the peanut butter, "ok now go around the house with the peanut butter yelling Lee." he nodded and I heard him yelling for her. I whispered to Shiro ,
"If Ryo keeps this up he will eventually find her-" he cut me off, "or wake up Sakura and Lynn." I yelled," GOOD MORNING GUYS!" I inhaled, "IM SKYPING RYO! SO IM ON HIS COMPUTER SCREEN!" Shiro chorused with me,
"Ok I found Lee- and Sakura and Lynn." I laughed at his face, "oh my ribs!" "Ameki! How is Saizo?" Sakura asked, "Saizo?" I tilted my head."oops! sorry Shiro!" I looked at Shiro he looked pissed for some reason," I told you all I would show Ameki him tomorrow morning!" ok I'm coconfused what are you-" "NOTHING you heard nothing!" I heard Lynn pitch in,
"Well it's 11:23 pm so I'm going to bed I'm tired from the flight." we told each other goodbye and I shut off my computer,"don't even ask who or what Saizo is." darn it! I pouted, "then I'm not going to kiss you!" he smirked!" well goodnight Ame. Oh I will get that kiss-even if I have to kiss you in the middle of the night!" I yawned," well goodnight!" I felt his breathe on my lips, I teasingly whispered in his ear,
"Come and get me." I walked into the house up the stairs to my room, there was a gray dog on my bed, "Saizo?" the dog came up to me and picked my hand," so you are Saizo.I guess you're sleeping with me tonight?" I sat on the bed and called for him quietly so no one would know I found the little present, he slept by my feet and was sleep running, I giggled and fell asleep.

Shiro's POV 8:45am

I looked around the house for Saizo,I looked in the kitchen, the living room, and the upstairs hallway-dont tell me she found him.. I turned to her door and opened it, shit he was on her bed."shit" I murmured, "ugh five more minutes." she grumbled,"well, I guess you found Saizo!" I petted him gently,"uh-yeah" she sneezed, " my allergies and jetlag is killing me." I hung my head, "it's my fault."

Ameki's POV
I shook my head, "No it's not dont worry about it!" Saizo cuddled closer to me, ugh I'm so tired,"Can I rest a bit longer? please?" I didn't wait for his answer, instead I let my brain do what it wanted to do, sleep.

I woke up and looked at the alarm clock it read, '12:34pm' i slept for more than three hours. great my Shiro probably is bored. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and I went to my computer to look up something on the Internet,
-4 missed Skype calls-
I went on Skype and seen they were three from Ryo and one from Ren.
Eh it's 2 in the morning so I will message them later, I shut off my computer and went down stairs,
"Ame! I missed you so much!" Shiro ran up to me and picked me up bridal style,"Aww look Honey, looks like us when we were married!" my mom wiped a fake tear away, "really mom....." I whispered" shiro please put me down.." he obeyed and set me down on the floor," lets go to the tree!"
I agreed and yelled for Saizo,
"Ehhhh! this is the best!" We were leaned up against the tree, I hurriedly leaned against the tree to beat him to it and my vision became blurry as my head hit the tree,"Ame? Ame? Ame?" is all I heard until I was in deep sleep.

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