Bokuto x Reader {Thighs}

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Me: Hey hey hey!! It's Author-chan! It's time for another update, and I am SO excited for this one.

Bokuto: Hey hey hey, that's my line! *sulks in corner*

Me: ... Koutaro...

Bokuto: What do you want?

Me: *runs over and squeezes him to death* I LOVE YOU!!!

Bokuto: *blushes fiercely* ... Yeah, yeah. I love you, too, Chie-chan.

Me: Good. Now, are you ready to have some fun with Reader-chan?? *wiggles eyebrows*

Bokuto: Oh yeah! Let's go!


"Hey, hey, hey, you're really pretty. Do I know you?" Bokuto leaned down closer to your face to get a better look at your (E/C) orbs.

You backed away a little bit and blushed. He's so close! You thought as your long-time crush invaded your space.

"Stop scaring the new girl, Bokuto," Akaashi reprimanded him.

Bokuto frowned a little bit, realizing his actions. He stood up straight and said, "Ah, sorry about that." He rubbed his neck, embarrassed.

"I-It's okay, Bokuto. I'm sorry for bumping into you like that. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings."

"I got it!" Bokuto snapped his fingers, making you flinch. "We went to the same school for junior high, didn't we?"

"Yes, we did! It's been a long time. I'm surprised you actually remembered."

"Oh yeah," Akaashi said. "You're (L/N) (F/N), right?"

"That's right!" You smiled brightly. "I went to Karasuno for the first two years of highschool, but then, I decided to transfer here."

"So... Can I walk you home after school one day?" Bokuto asked.

Your eyes widened in shock. "Y-yeah. Sure, Bokuto. That's really nice of you."

Bokuto's chest puffed up, and he put his hands on his hips, showing his pride.

Akaashi eyed both of you, noticing what was already happening between you two. He pulled Bokuto by his ear to get him to class on time.

"Itte! Akaashi!!!"

"We'll see you later, (Y/N)!"

You waved happily at them, excited for the new school year.

~~several months later~~

You had spent almost every moment with Bokuto and Akaashi, becoming very close friends with them. After the first time Bokuto walked you home, it became a regular thing. He walked you home every day. Your parents thought you guys started dating, but you were unaware of that. They decided, one weekend, to go on a date that lasted the whole weekend (great parenting, right?). It caught you off guard, but you thought it was a good idea since they needed some alone time, anyway.

Haikyuu!! x Reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now