Semi x Reader {Try Me}

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Request: DarkangelGuard

Me: Welcome back, Reader-chans! I'm sorry for the delay, but I'll explain more at the end of this chapter why it has taken so long. I hope this one does Semi justice because I had to do a little extra research on his personality.

Semi: ...

Me: ... Also... I bet that I'm a better setter than you, SemiSemi.

Semi: I'll believe that when I see it.

Me: Alright, 4pm in the gym. Be there or be square!

Semi: *smirks* Challenge accepted!

Me: Okay, now, it's time for some fun! Hope you guys like it! Let's go!


After your boyfriend's practice, you quickly run up behind him and hug his waist. "Ei-chan! Nice work today!" You beam happily.

Eita turns in your arms and gives you a small smile, placing his hand on your head. "Thanks, (f/n)."

"Hey, it's (l/n)!"

You peek around Eita and giggles when you see Tendou doing his weird dance while the rest of the team ignores him. "Hey, guys! Do you think that Ei-chan and I can use the equipment for a bit? We'll clean up afterwards!"

They all give the okay, and you roll the ball cart to the net as the team files out of the gym, leaving you and your boyfriend alone. "Ei, can you set me up for a bit? I wanna practice my spikes some more for the game tomorrow."

"Sure," he says, lining himself up with the net.

After about thirty minutes, you rest your hands on your knees, breathing heavily from the nonstop spiking.

Eita sprints to you and lays a hand on your shoulder. "Tuckered out already, (f/n)?"

You look up at him, your lips curling into a grin. "Not yet. Bet you can't get as many serves in as me." You play at his competitiveness.

He raises an eyebrow at your snide remark and brings his face close to yours, licking his lips. "Try me," he challenges.

As expected, he wins in the end. You help him clean up the equipment, both tired from the extra training.

Fuck, that face he made... You think back to when you had challenged him. I want to see it again. "Hey, can I stay at yours tonight? I'm way too tired to walk home." You hide your scheme behind an innocent smile.

"Yeah, I'm sure my folks will be fine with it," he responds, oblivious.

Since you two have been dating for almost a year, both his parents and yours agree that sleepovers are fine, on the one condition you go on some form of birth control. So, of course you agree because to you, that's an easy win-win.

Turning off the lights in the gym, you walk home together. You reach his house and greet his parents, who are very happy to see you. Then you wander up to his room and start to strip, wanting a shower after the extra practice.

After you get out, it's Eita's turn. Since you didn't bring extra clothes, you throw on one of his t-shirts, which is long enough to be like a short dress on you. But as he's in the shower, you can't stop thinking of his suggestive expression and words from before. Lying on his bed, you close your eyes and fantasize about him. You creep your hand down to your pussy, spreading your knees so you can finger yourself. You curl your fingers so you can hit your g-spot as you use your thumb to stimulate your clit. Raising your other hand to cover your mouth, you moan quietly, "Mm, Ei~"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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