Chapter 17

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What was that?!" Skye cried, looking around.

"Marshall!" Ryder hollered, running towards the burning house.

"Ryder! What do we do?" Zuma asked as Ryder only panicked.

"I dunno.." the pups could hear how scared and concerned Ryder sounded. He sounded as if he were ready to just give up. Chase's eyes began to open as he felt Ryder's hands shaking. It was a very blurry sight looking at the burning house, but a few seconds later, everything was seen clearly.

"Are we... home yet?" Chase asked, looking at the burning house. Ryder looked down, relieved to see Chase's eyes open.

"The house is burning down with Marshall in it!" Skye cried, tears streaming down her eyes like a river. Chase looked at Skye, then back at the house.

"..." Chase stayed quiet for a minute, then hopped out of Ryder's arms and took off.

"Chase? What are you doing?" Ryder cried. Chase just continued to run and hopped into the house.

"Chase! Come back!" Rubble shouted.

It was quiet for a few minutes, then finally, Chase returned dragging Marshall, who was badly injured and most likely unconscious.

"Chase! You got Marshall!" Ryder cried in excitement. Chase dropped the dalmatian to the ground.

"But I don't think he's okay." the police pup said in deep concern.

"Marshall.. S-Speak to me!" Rubble shouted, tears in his eyes. Just as Ryder dropped to his knees to feel for Marshall's heart, the "Hello Adventure Bay" crew came by the dark neighborhood along with Mayor Goodway and other folks from Adventure Bay to film the terrifying moment.

"M-Marshall.. C'mon.. just please wake up." Ryder begged, tears already spilling out of his eyes. Skye quickly hopped into Ryder's lap and hugged him tightly, sobbing loudly. Soon, the rest of the pups joined in, hugging Ryder tightly.

"Ryder.. I'm so sorry.." said Mayor Goodway.

"I'm.. just really tired of losing my pups." Ryder tried saying clearly as Stephanie was seen limping out of her burning house. Her entire outfit was covered in grease, and her skin was burnt and bruised.

"Ryder, sweetheart.. I'm so sorry." Stephanie said, trying to sound innocent. The pups only frowned at her. "He tried to save me, but it was too hard to see.. And then -"

"You be quiet, Stephanie!" shouted Chase.

"Excuse me?" Stephanie placed her hands on her hips.

"I don't stutter. You're not sorry for Marshall, you did this!"

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