Chapter 6 - Careful? Well, I thought I was....

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  • Dedicated to All of my Fans~!<3

A/N: I'm back with another chapter! Hopefully Byakuya will make an appearance in the next chapter! No promises because I don't want to let you guys down if he doesn't. Also tell me how I did with that short-kinda crappy-fight scene. I'm not very experienced with fight scenes and there is going to be a lot of them from here on out so I want to make them at least tolerable for you guys! Another thing that you guys should know is that there's a bit of curse(swear, whatever) words in this one.

I woke up, laying on my back, in something cold. Snow hit my face before I opened my eyes.

It was weird.... I should be cold but I was warm, even though I had a tank top and shorts on. The snow fell from the sky beautifully and I could tell I was somewhere to the North. It was dark out and I could barely see anything.

I heard a howl from a wolf, which scared me a bit. The crunch, crunch of something walking closer to where I was sparked even more fear in my body.

When the noises stopped, a white wolf was sitting in front of me. It was then that I noticed the snow was black and the moon was a deep blue, the sky a red color.

“Who are you?” I asked the wolf. I could tell this was not my Zanpakuto nor their world that I was in.

“I am you and you are me.” It chuckled? “We are the same, though you are nicer then I.”

“What do you mean by 'We are the same?'”

“I am a part of you. The part Ryoko locked up.”

“Why would she do that?”

“Of course you wouldn't remember! That Ryoko just seems to hate me. Am I too rough? No, I don't think I am; I'm just the right amount of roughness.”

It seemed to be talking to itself.“...Are you lonely...?”

“Of course! I've been locked up so long!” The wolf huffed.

“How long?”

“Guess.” It seemed to smirk.

“Um... When I first arrived to the Soul Society?” The wolf growled when I said that.

“Do not say that around me unless you want to die. I hate that place and all the people there! I have been alive longer then that! But I have always been inside of your body. It's a bit weird, now isn't it?”

“Um...” I didn't know if the white wolf was talking to me. “I know this might seem rude... But what is your name?”

“My Name? I don't have one. Not anymore, I can't seem to remember it.... Give me a nice name and maybe I'll consider helping you out sometimes.”


“I'm a girl if you are wondering.” She flashed me her teeth. “If you'd rather see me in a more human like form you should have just asked.”

“Oh, well would you please show me your human-like form?”

“Only since you asked.” She replied.

A few moments after that she changed into a young woman. She had blue eyes and white hair. Her body was mostly covered in gold jewelry and gems. She had a red top that only covered her chest and black shorts that covered most of her thighs. Strings were attached to the bottom of the shorts as they hung by her sides. She had white boots on that had some gold design on the top. The one thing that made her look inhuman were her wolf ears and tail.

She reminded me of an Ancient Goddess.

“Well.. Now that you saw me in my human-like form, Give me a name.”

I miss you, I need you .:Byakuya Kuchiki:.Where stories live. Discover now