Chapter 16 - Not Remembered

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Key- 'Ichigo's thoughts', This: --- Means a Minor Timeskip

A/N: Hello again my fans! Did you know how long it took me to write this chapter!? It only took me two hours to write this one!!

Damn...!! I guess I just have to get started and make sure I don't take to many breaks or get distracted....

Anyway I'll tell you guys now that I'm not going to do the scene where Ichigo is actually training.

This is not because I want to have less chapters to write. I actually planned this before I even got close to this part! I love the scene but just too much to write and describe. *sucks at fight-scenes or just thinks she does*

Horrible RECAP is Horrible

'Do I love her?'

End Shity Recap

~*Ichigo's Pov*~

“Hey, Kurosaki! You're here today!” Some guy that sat in Alice's seat said to me.

“Um... Who are you again?” I asked. I doubt I've ever met this person in my life so it wasn't like I knew his name to begin with.

“What!? You still don't remember me? Momohara! Momohara Tetsuo! I'm the guy that tries to get you to join the karate club!!” Tetsuo yelled.

“Um... Sorry...?” I said before taking my seat.


“Take one of these pills every hour and by tonight your wounds should be better. We'll have our first session then. I wouldn't want you to die in the middle of training~” Kisuke pushed a bottle of pills into my face before I took them.

~End Flashback~

'So that's why I'm at school right now.... This medicine is amazing. One pill and the pain is already gone,' I thought before looking around, 'But what's even more amazing is that no one remembers Alice... She's been here for years and still no one remembers her.... What's his face... Tetso...? is in her seat and no one has mentioned her name... Now I understand what it means to be taken  from the Soul Society... You disappear... From this world, from people's hearts.... Everything about her... is just... gone. A blank.... Her music and posters, upcoming concerts are just replaced by someone else... I doubt her own manager even remembers her....'


The day is almost over and summer is about to start. Our homeroom teacher is telling us the announcements before we are released from this place.

“Well... That's all the announcements....” She said while looking at the board. She then turned her attention to us, “Okay.. This is vacation, so don't spend too much time studying- except for this class! And don't be afraid to break a few rules- it makes for good memories!”

“What is she telling us to do!?!” A few people whispered to their friends.

“Alright kids! Come back alive in September!” She yelled, “Class... Dismissed!!” Everyone got up out of their seats and started to leave but I stayed seated. I looked over at Uryuu's desk, 'He was absent today... I thought at least he would remember Alice besides Rukia who is with Tessai and Kisuke for training....'

“Ichi~go!!” Kegio yelled while blindfolding me and picking me up from my chair. He then spun me around, “Now! Where's the watermelon?” He said before I hit him on the head with the stick he gave me.

“OWW!! No, Ichigo! NO! Break the watermelon! Not my skull!”


Keigo brought myself, Tatsuki, Orihime, Chad, Mizuiro and a few other girls behind the school to show/ask us something.

I miss you, I need you .:Byakuya Kuchiki:.Where stories live. Discover now