Chapter 29

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Gravity Falls

Tambry's Lair

Tambry is sitting in front of a bank of computers typing away, so far other than looping the video feed at the school she hasn't had to do much for the gang down in Piedmont, so she has been trying to find out anything about this Dr Nuit that Nate swears drew blood from him at the hospital. So far she's combed the hospital records and so far she hasn't found anything. There isn't even a Dr Nuit in the state Oregon from the records she's checked. She thought of going ahead spreading out her search, but really what would be the odds of a doctor from out of state coming to a backwater town like Gravity Falls.

"Well have you found anything?", Nate asked for the fourth time since he and Lee showed up this morning.

"Nothing," Tambry replied, "There's not one in the whole state."

"What?", Nate asked, "None at all?"

"Whoa man, must have been a vampire that sucked your blood." Lee said jokingly.

"After everything we've heard from Dipper and what we've seen don't joke about that," Nate said with a shocked look, then he rubbed his chin looking thought fully. "Then again."

The Bunker

"So yer sayin' that Dipper wants ta turn the Bunker here inta a base ta work out of for his lil group?" Fiddleford stood looking around at the underground zone.

Ford was cleaning up the cryogenics room as he spoke, "If they are gonna continue with this foolishness, I'd really want to make sure they are properly prepared and have a place to feel safe. Plus this way Charger won't always be seen coming and going from your place. With your reputation of creating mechanical contraptions, I'm surprised you weren't suspected after the first sighting."

"Why, shucks. I see your point," Fiddleford said as he pulled off his hat, "Well con-sarn it, we'll have ta either move the CHARGER unit recharger down here or build ah second one."

"One of the first items Dipper wants done is for us to find a new place to put the cryogenic capsules," Candy said as she started, "Preferably with recessed power cables as to keep people from accidentally unplugging them."

"Well several of the tunnels down here are dead ends, I'm sure we can find one with enough space to host the cryo-tubes.", Ford said as stopped working and began to map out the bunker in his head, "We also could easily put in a bedroom for each of them, a training room, a computer station for Tambry, a kitchen, a laboratory," Ford kept muttering to himself as he started walking down one of the tunnels.

Piedmont, California

Warehouse district

"Alright Charger are there any skylight or doorways on the roof that we could use?", Shifter asked as he and Wildbill were watching from the opposite ends of the alley they were in. The plan was to if possible come in from the top and try to gain the element of surprise.

"None that I can see, it looks like the only access to the roof is from a fire escape ladder on the back of the building. We may have to go in through one of the doors," Charger called back.

"I'll try to ghost in and see if I can find another entrance," Will O' offered.

"Forget that. I say we just bust in there and rush them before they know what's hit them," Freerunner responded as he paced up and down the alley.

"No we need to have a plan," Shifter said as he tried to figure out the best way to enter the building.

"Fat lot of good that usually does you," Freerunner muttered antsy to get to the fight.

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