C H A P T E R : F I V E

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"Hey Alpha!" My pack cheered as I entered the old pack house.

"Hey guys, we're moving in 10 minutes. Pack all your things. The new house I made has the same layout as this one so you'll have the same rooms and everything."

Everyone in the pack scattered to pack their things except for a boy who I recently allowed to join the pack.

"Artie aren't you going to pack your things?" I crouched down.

Yes, Artie was one of the only people who was shorter than me and that made me super happy. I think I dote on him too much though.

"I-I don't have anything to pack Alpha."

"Clothes? Underwear? Books? Games?"

"P-People don't really play with me.  My clothes are k-kind of ripped everywhere so there's no point wearing them. These are the only good ones I have." Artie glanced down at his t-shirt and jeans.

"You can have some of mine." I offered. "They're too small to fit me now so feel free to take them." I summoned a bag filled with different clothes and handed them to Artie.

"O-Oh wow! This is too much Alpha." He heaved as he tried to lift the bag. "Too many clothes."

"C'mon I'll take it." I laughed at his red face. "We're going now!" I yelled out for the pack to hear.

My pack members stormed down the stairs with bags of whatever they wanted to bring.

"Okay ready? Three, two, one!"

"A-Are we there yet?" Artie popped open an eye and looked around.

"Yes you dummy."

"Oh no, I feel sick after that."

"Don't you dare vomit Prue." I glared at the girl who stuck her tongue out.

"Was only kidding Alpha."

"Go to your room guys. Come out in an hour to meet the Alpha of the other pack. Oh and Artie I made a special room just for you. Come on, I'll show you."

"Wh-Where is it?"

"Top floor near mine. Here it is."

"Woah!" Artie squealed and launched himself onto the bed. "It's so fluffy!"

"I knew you'd like the bed! Evans said you wouldn't!"

"I love it Alpha! Thank you!"

"Okay I'll see you in an hour!"


"Evans! Emil! Where are you?"

I was currently in the forest looking for either Evans or Emil. They hadn't come back from their search of the lands yet.


Mind link them you dumb dumb.

[Mind link]
'Emil? Evans? Where are you guys at?'

'I'm in the west J.'

'I'm on the opposite side!' Emil yelled into the link.

'Alright, I got the pack here so just make it back when you're done.'

'Alpha.' Emil whined. "It's going to take a lot longer than one day.'

'I bet Evans has already done the north side.'

'I have indeed.'

'I'll send someone else out for the south as long as you stop complaining Emil.'

'Yes Alpha.'

[End mind link]

"Prue! I need you to do something for me!"

"What is it Alpha deary?" Prue asked as she sauntered down the steps.

"Go scout the southern land. Emil's complaining. Finish up in an hour."

Her mouth dropped as she stared at me in disbelief.

"One hour? You can't be serious! How can I do that in an hour?"

"Okay, an hour and five seconds. Hurry up you've got just under an hour now." I smiled as Prue walked out.

Can we go lick Elijah now?


Talk to Elijah? We said talk. Wolfy and I said talk to Elijah. Definitely not lick.

Whatever you say.

Yes, I did say talk...right? Yeah.

Shut up.

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