C H A P T E R : E I G H T E E N

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"Okay beasts! Where are your scouts?" I called out, putting my hand on my forehead to shield my eyes.

"H-Here Alpha Joker." A meek voice called out.

"You!" I pointed at him. "I like you. Come over here."

The boy squeaked and scurried closer to me.

"Anything to report?"

"N-Not really. I found the rogues with the group that I went with a-and they were moving around and... stuff."

I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean stuff?"

"It wasn't weapons or anything but it looked like they were packing up?" The boy looked down at me sheepishly.

Dammit I'm still a midget okay?

I glared at him for a good thirty seconds and he closed in on himself, slowly turning into a ball whilst standing. What is this kid doing?

"A-Are you angry?" He whispered.

"What is anger anyway?" I shrugged and walked off. "You're free to go."

"A-Ah wait, Alpha! There was also th-this thing spotted in the sky...?"

I lifted a brow. "Are you sure or are you asking me?"

"Wh- D- I-I'm sure? Maybe... Someone said it could've been a shifter."

"Was it a small or a big thing?"

"Big. Not like a bird flying but like..." The boy trailed off, biting his lip.

"Like what? I don't have all day here."

"A dragon." He whispered.

I scoffed, walking away.

He's not lying, Master J.

"Okay off with you." I shooed him away dismissively, hopping up onto a tree branch and taking a seat. "Remember not to be an idiot, and tell me when something changes!" I yelled out at his retreating figure.

A dragon, huh? Where have they been all these years?


"A-Alpha! They're moving closer! Al- They're almost within our borders and my pack isn't sure what you want them to do. Do they confront them or do they stay near your barrier?" Laney yelled out in a frenzy.

I leapt off the tree, landing somewhat gracefully, if I do say so myself.

"Honestly, your pack can do whatever as long as they don't get in my way. I mean if they do," I smiled, "they'll die. So it's a win-win situation for me either way. As long as I get to see some blood."

My eyes flashed red as Demon got excited.

Laney spluttered for a few seconds before nodding and running off, most likely to warn her pack.

I sniffed the air and scrunched up my nose.

That disgusting smell-

Of delicious rogues. I can't wait to get my hands on them! Oo, they're so close Master J.

You get to play soon Demon. Just... Make sure Wolf is alright in there.

But of course he is alright. He is a-okay Master J. Tip top shape.

Stop lying to me you little rat.

Okay so he's...maybe a 5/10 right now but Wolfy will feel better soon because the great Demon is here! And everyone loves me, you know?

No but-


They're here! On the oth-

Other side. Oh Master J, I can finally come out to play! You don't know how long I've waited for this day to come! We have to teleport there, oh my Devil. I'd like to thank my non-existent parents that gave birth to me and to everyone I've killed in the past, you've made me a great demon and I hope-

Shut up Demon, we're-

He's here.

Demon snarled as I caught sight of Elijah amongst the trees, a large group of rogues trailing behind him. As I weaved through the pack members gathered in front of my barrier, I felt something warm run down my nose.

Uhm, blood? Again? Come on, it was just a little barrier spell.

Yeah, and that little barrier spell is pretty advanced, Master J. Considering you haven't read the almighty book of spells for demons.

There's a book for that? Why haven't you told me about it?

Because it doesn't exist. Duh, Master J. Sometimes you can be so smart but most of the time you're pretty dumb.

Dumb words from a dumb demon!

Demon cackled as we came face to face with the one and only, Elijah.

"Hello there, mate." Demon forced himself forward for a second and I pushed him back.

Just wait a second you dumb demon!

Noooo! I wanna be let out! Come on Master J! I'll kill him just a little!

Uh-huh. You do that.

"Joker? Wh-What are you doing here? You're supposed to be gone." Elijah stuttered as he looked down on me. "I-I mean, where have you been? Where did you go?" He faked concern and I wanted to bash his head in.

"Nowhere in particular. I wasn't fucking somebody named Zachariah or anything." I seethed, glaring at him.

That night that I had conducted the soul projection... It wasn't pleasant. I mean, seeing your mate with some random boy, making out like no tomorrow. It hurts... Well it did at the time. Not so much anymore because all I feel is some kind of numbness now.

Not quite sure what it actually is but I'm glad that's all I'm feeling.

"W-Who? Zach? Who's that?"

"Who? Zach?" I mimicked in a baby voice. "You wanna try saying that again, Elijah? Because I'm not stupid enough to be one of your toys that you so graciously fuck when you want to. So I'll say this once, Elijah. I reject you as my mate. And hopefully you suffer for the rest of your pathetic little life."

Sorry Wolf. I had to.

It felt like a knife was thrown straight through my heart and someone hammered it down just as an added measure.

Ah shi- De-

On it Master J.

I felt my control weaken over my own body as Demon took over, slowly releasing a dark aura as he gained control.

Kill them just a little bit Demon?

Of course Master J. I'll kill them all, just a little.

Hey guys!
Quick authors note!
Thank you to everyone for voting and commenting ♥️
I appreciate you guys for doing that a lot, so please keep enjoying the story! It's almost over!

Until next time~ !

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