Chapter 1

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This is a different ending to the screaming staircase.

(okay note I wrote this when I was like what? 12? Now I'm 15 so I'm gonna edit this but only cuz I'm procrastinating work and just figured out how to log back into wattpad lol)

Georges PoV

The nurses eyes met mine and for a thousand lifetimes, the world was still. Her gaze said more than enough. Lowering her head, she clasped her hands together and began fiddling with her bracelet. I stared at it as it caught the light, trying to focus my mind on anything but him. My eyes welled up- furiously I blinked them away and (while attempting not to wheeze like an asthmatic sloth) tried to remain calm and collected. I met her eyes once more, nodded and fled. I ignored the distant calls of Lucy, the feet pottering along, the clang of metal as her rapier kept up with all the twists and turns of the ward. I allowed myself one glance before I slammed open the door leading to the bathroom and locked myself in. Slowly, I lowered the seat and placed myself down- patiently waiting for the stall next to me to become unoccupied. I let the tears flow at this point as there was little I could do to stop them. I waited. The door swung open before creaking shut.

It was at this point I let out a hellish scream. I let my throat run dry, my voice go hoarse. I yelled and yelled, I stamped my feet and ripped at hair, banged the walls and choked on the endless flood of tears but it was never enough. Nothing drowned out the sound of grief, it was loud and swallowed me up. I spat but nothing could rid me of it's bitter taste. Nothing distracted me from the large whole forming in my brain. 

A whole where Lockwood should be.

A whole that was most most certainly Lucy's doing. 


The days passed in a blur. The ringing in my ears, the buzzing that surrounded me did not let me function. It allowed me no sleep, no time to think. He was the only thing that occupied my thoughts. He was the only thing I could bring myself to think about. Him, lying on the ground of Fairfax's library with a fucking bullet through his head, all because she couldn't listen. 

And oh how it hurt. How it hurt to hear Lucy's bloodcurdling screams from upstairs, how it hurt to hear her sob so uncontrollably I thought my heart would break twice over. And how it hurt to have no Lockwood to console her, to console me.  

I lay on my bed, staring at the peeling ceiling. There was a way, a way to silence the grief. A way to silence everyone's grief.  With trembling hands and a shaky breath, I reached under my bed. Several moments later, many of which involved me moving my huge comic collection and several pairs of underwear out the way, I slid a small box out. It was worn at the edges. Slowly, I removed the lid and took out what lay inside. My hands felt wrong against the cool metal. It caught the light, reflecting it all around. 

It was a watch yet not like any watch you've owned.

It was a fragile thing, beautiful and old- a family heirloom one might say. 

But it had power, great power.

It could move you backwards and forwards in time.

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