Chapter 3

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There was a knocking at the door. Opening my eyes, rubbed my head for it had collided with something hard. Sitting up, I hit the rapier rack once again. I stared at it before knocking it over in a moment of anger. Regaining my balance- I stood up and went to answer it. 

And there stood Lucy. Her bobbed hair flapped gently in the breeze, as did the folds of her coat. Her rapier swung pleasantly as her side. Her face held the usual proud, bold look it always did while waiting to gain admittance into the house. 

'I'm here about the job interview' she said as she stared at me.

I stared right back at her, confused. Could I just, shoo her? I don't know how girls work.


' I'm sorry what?' came the reply as she tilted her head to the side.

' We've already hired someone,' I gushed out, fumbling for an answer, 'Go home.'

She sighed. 'Fine, thanks anyway I guess.'

She turned away and made her way down the drive-way, looking defeated. Every muscle and bone in my body ached to call her back, every last nerve with sense screamed at me to laugh and say it was all a mistake. But I could not. After all, it was for her own sake as well. I turned my back too when suddenly a shrill scream left the living room. A young girl ran past me, flailing her arms around and screaming like the bloody shrieking spirit of Shawthorn Road. Into the street she ran, yelling about deceit and evil manifestations in jars. I stifled a chuckle, for Lucy was heading back up the driveway. I gulped. Lucy was scary. 

'Are you trying to make me leave or something?' she said, quietly (which to be fair made her all the more scary) and took a step towards me. Instinctively, I took one back. 


Then Lockwood emerged from the room, his once gleaming face becoming dull with worry. He ran a hand through his hair and tried to keep his composure. 

'George. She can't have been the last one. She can't have been.' 

'Oh but she was'

'Um-' Lucy tried to speak, I stepped in front of her and placed a meaty hand over her mouth.

'Who's that George?'

'Its er-OW'

She bit my hand, causing a repressed chuckle from Lockwood.

'I'm Lucy Caryle. I came about the job.'

She held her hand out and shook his as Lockwood's glare burned through my skull. 

'Not a problem Miss Caryle, step right in. I'm sure George would be delighted to put the kettle on for you.' 

A blare of light. Holding back tears, I sighed. 

I had failed. Again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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