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"Tris it's time to go to school." My mother yells the top of her lungs from down stairs. I groan in response shifting slightly but not getting up. A few moments pass before I hear my bedroom door open and a large, heavy object lands on my back causing me to grunt out a plead for help.

"Come on Trissy. It's time for school." Caleb says in a baby voice laughing. I try to knock him of me but without such luck I give up. When he does get up however I unleash my annoyance slapping his arms and back until he leaves slamming the door in his face just as his about to make a smart ass comment.

I get ready quickly and within five minutes or so. I'm heading out the door. Kissing my mother on the way out she whispers in my ear.

"Take care of yourself today okay." She smiles and sends me off.

When I arrive at school I actually feel fine. I don't feel the normal sickness I usually feel every other morning.

I continue through the day and soon enough it's lunch time. I'm sitting eating with Christina and Marlene when all of a sudden I feel like I'm going to be sick.

Standing up in a hurry I make my way quickly to the bathroom slamming the door behind me as I enter one of the stalls. Throwing up everything in my stomach. I flush the toilet and sit on the lid. Shutting my eyes and catching up on my breathing for a moment.

In the silence I hear the door open and a girls voice rings through the empty bathroom.

"Tris honey are you okay?" Christina says as she knocks on my stall.

"I'm fine." I say weakly trying to stable myself. Good I feel gross.

"Do you still have food poisoning?" Christina asks though the door. I don't think I can answer her with out falling over. I sit down on the floor to stable myself and I instantly feel better.

"Yeah I think so Chris." I say even though I know that's not the reason. I hear her sigh and the sound of movement.

"I'll wait here till you come out. I'll take you to the nurse." She says and I swear under my breathe. I know she wouldn't give up if I just kept telling her I was fine so I braced myself and stood up.

Opening the door I bend over to grab my bag when I feel it all come up. Turning i empty what was in my stomach into the toilet and stand there panting. Oh how I hate the feeling.

"Boys did you want to stay for dinner?" My mother asks them sweetly and I stare at her my mouth hung open in shock. What the hell? I want to go over and yell at her. I immediately start to head upstairs when my mother calls me out.

"Beatrice Prior you are not going to hide in your room. Not today." She exclaims sternly folding her arms over her chest and to think yesterday I thought she had let me off easy oh how wrong I was.

I sigh quietly and sulk my way to her. She smiles triumphantly at me as I walk past her and outside into the backyard. Four and Caleb soon joining me.

Zeke and Uriah stand out on the driveway playing basketball. Zeke tosses the ball into the net cheering after it goes in. Uriah pouts but then notices up approaching them.

"Look who finally decided to come to the party." Uriah says to me crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah yeah." I say waving him off with the flick of my hand. I take a seat on the retaining wall next to the driveway. Zeke and Uriah look at me curiously.

"What." I say after they don't look away. Zeke is the one who responds for the both of them.

"Sorry it's just that you never hang out with us." He says and Uriah nods in agreement.

"Her mother told her to join up and not to hide in her room." Four says with annoyance clear in his voice.

They just shrug their shoulders in recognition and continue to play. After about half an hour Caleb turns to me.

"Look Tris you can't just sit there you can be on Zeke and Uriah's team." He suggest to me and I go to say no but he stops me before I say anything.

"No buts or I'm not doing that. Come and play or I'll tell mum." He says and I laugh in response.

"Really Caleb?" I question with a chuckle. I follow up with an 'I'll tell mum' in a squeaky voice. I hop up standing and walk over to the 'court' and stand next to Zeke.

We play a few rounds when our teams starts winning. I could tell that Caleb was starting to get upset with us so I was proud of myself.

As Zeke starts to enter the court with the ball. We all start to play the next round. I toss the ball to Uriah but as he tosses it back to be I feel myself being barged over. I feel myself fall before my mind realises it. I'm on the floor with a sharp pain in my head. I hear one of the boys shout shit before they all run over to me.

My eye sight is fuzzy as I try to focus on one thing. I feel myself being lifted. But I can't see who carrying me. I try to look at them but my eyes grow tried and I fall out of conscienceless...

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