Chapter 1

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Dimitri POV

After everything I've done to her...I know this is for the best. 'Love fades, mine has' it hurt to say, I know it hurt her to hear. Oh, those eyes! What have I done?

Quickly exiting the church I see Rose in the distance. I...I can't. My head tells me to turn and walk away. It's over, it's done. My heart tells me to go after her. My feet listen to my heart, I find myself briskly walking in her direction. My guards are following me, I don't care. They must have seen the look on her face, I wonder if they heard our conversation? Does it really matter if they did? I'm sure anyone that has witnessed us has their own theory on our Mentor/Student relationship.

"That's far enough." One of the guards says as I reach her building.

"Please," I whisper. Just then another guardian approached.

"Let him go, I'll take responsibility." He says. I recognize him. It's the guardian that was with her when she visited me in my cell. What was his name? Mikhail? That name sounds so familiar. Yes, Mikhail, Sonya's lover. He must know. Exactly what does he know I wonder?

"Fine. But we go too." My guard finally says. Gesturing toward the building entrance.

"Thank you." I say. Giving a nod of appreciating and understanding to Mikhail. He gives a meaningful look, then leans into me,

"Don't hurt her anymore. She's been through hell and back. All in the name of love. All for you." His voice barely audible, but I hear the threatening tone. I nod again. And walk to her room.

Standing in front of her door, my heart starts pounding. My pulse is racing and my palms grow clammy. Get a grip, it's just Rose. It's Rose, just Rose, my Roza. I keep telling myself that as I knock on the door. My guards take position on either side of the door. After the third knock the door opens. My heart sinks.

"Roza..." Is all I could say. The look on her face, she's not surprised. She's not mad. She's not upset. The look is a look I've only seen once before, on the bridge in Russia. It's a look of defeat. Suddenly her expression changes. She furrows her eye brows and then her eyes widen. Stepping closer to me she reaches up and wipes a tear from my cheek. I didn't realize I'd lost control of my emotions.

"I'm sorry" I whisper. Holding her gaze all the love that I once felt for her came rushing back to me, ten fold. My heart swells, I don't deserve to be loved. Yet she loves me. How can I keep hurting her? I lift my hand toward her face. Out of the corner of my eye I see one of my guards twitch. Ignoring him, I push a strain of loose hair behind her ear. She steps even closer to me, only inches away. I twirl her soft, silky hair around my finger and smile. God, how I love her hair. Her eyes, red and puffy from crying earlier, are now staring at me in curiosity and wonder.

I reach out to her and she instantly wraps her arms around my midsection. I engulf her with my embrace, resting my check on the top of her head. Closing my eyes I feel warmth spread through my body. How could I have given this up? How can I live without my Roza?

I'm not sure how long we stay in our embrace, but finally one of the guards clears his throat. That brings me back to reality. Rose flinches, she quickly looks around and takes in our surroundings. I think it's the first time she realized we had an audience. I loosen my embrace, ever so slightly. She looks up at me and flashes one of her Rose Hathaway smiles. A smirk spreads across my face, I know her looks and that one means trouble.

"I'll watch him boys." She says as she pulls me inside her room and shuts the door.

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