Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

So Monday night I explained everything to Ashley and later I was still scared as shit so i had her mom drive me home.


Today was Thursday, the end of the week was almost here. I wasn't feeling good Tuesday or Wednesday so I stayed home. I guess u could say I wasn't actually that sick, I was just afraid of meeting up with ....oh I still don't know his name..With the hot tree and his friends. But today I woke up from my alarm and realized I can't not go to school because of some stupid dudes.

And who knows I might not even see them since the school is pretty big.

I had to face my fears sometime right?

Also Lucy, Sarah, and Ashley have been worried sick about me and texting me 24.7.

I sighed and got out of bed. I walked over to the bathroom and stripped my pjs off. I jumped in the hot shower and and stayed in there for a good half an hour, since I had lots of time.

I dried my hair and did it in loose waves.

I chose some cute ripped shorts to wear and the cutest top ever. It was black and all sparkly and it said chill on it.

I did my makeup, making it look natural.

I went downstairs and saw a note on the table from my mom. It said I should behave and that she left early and will be back late tonight. I didn't mind though. By the way if your wondering about my dad, he went on a business trip and won't be back for a few months.


The ride to school was alright, my best friends were demanding questions on where'd id been and telling me how much they missed me.

We arrived and scrambled out the bus. I knew today I had to face whatever fear I was having from those idiots.

Me and my besties marched into school. Me and Lucy had the first class together that day, which was history.


Sarah and Ashley went to their classes while me and Lucy started for ours.

We got in the class and the teacher didn't give us a smile or even say hello.

In fact the teacher looked really grumpy.

We took our seats and sat next to each other near the back.

The class dragged on forever and as it neared the end she told us all to find a partner.

Right at that moment, me and Lucy gave each other that 'look' and linked arms.

As soon as the teacher realized that practically everyone had a partner of the same sex, she mentioned.. "I'd rather have 2 students of the opposite sex partnered up for this project."

Shit. Lucy was the only person I knew in this class. Now what??

A lot of the students started to complain since there was mostly weirdos in this lame class.

I grumbled and unlinked arms with Lucy.

An ok-looking blond boy that was short and looked really friendly came over to Lucy to ask her and Lucy accepted. She sent me a pouty face that she had to leave me, and then she went with the blondie over to his seat.

I'm such a loner. I slouched low in my seat.

A redhead with freckles was left with no partner, and so was I. So obviously we had to be partners.


Right now I'm in my last class, math. Ugh I hate I'm really bad at it.

The teacher was telling everyone which problems had to be done.

This was such a boring class...and I'm really tired....


"Jacy!! .."Jacy"!!!

I opened my eyes and the teacher was shaking me and looking at me with a really stern face. She looked pissed.

Wait, was I just sleeping?!!

"W-what?" I said sleepily.

A bunch of students started to snicker. I turned around and glared at them and then looked back up at the teacher and smiled sweetly.

"How dare you fall asleep in my class!!! I will not tolerate no such thing!" She practically screamed.

I awkwardly looked away.

"Come with me this moment!"

I followed the old teacher and she wrote something on a piece of paper.

"Sleeping in class causes you detention you lazy ass!!, now go!" She screeched.

I left the room with the paper. Wait did she just call me a lazy ass?? wtf I'm not a lazy ass I'm just always.

I got to the principals office and handed her the paper.

She gave me a look and motioned for me to sit down.

"You will stay here for a half hour", she announced.

"Fine", I mumbled..and took a seat on one of the small benches.

It had been 5 minutes but it felt like an hour. I took out my phone and started spamming my besties, since I have no life and I'm bored af.

2 minutes later the door opened and in walked 2 dudes.

Wait hold on a sec, it's tree and his friend!!!!!

Omg I was doing great today, none of them were in my classes and I had seen them once but quickly disappeared before they could see me.

This was so unfair.

They handed their slips to the principal and turned around.

Once they saw me they shot me evil smirks and they walked towards me.

"Well well, what have we here?" Tree asked as he and his friend took a seat right next to me.

The look in their eyes and on there face really scared me. I started panicking. Oh god why me???

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