Chapter 7

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My doorbell rang and I started panicking. I'm home all alone and I'm scared out of my mind.

Oh wait I locked the door..... But I still don't feel safe. I locked my bedroom door and lay in my bed, just listening to the doorbell ring over and over.


Jayden's POV

Shortly after I finished looking for Jacy I was started to freak out because I have no idea where she went and Jack is gonna kill me.

I was trying to decide what to do when I got a text from him. I unlocked my phone and read it :

'I'm finally back in town, did u do what I said?! Where's the girl???'


This sucks! He can't be back yet I need more time to talk to Jacy!

I had to tell Jack the truth because sometimes he always finds out when I'm lying.

I texted him and explained what happened, that she saw someone all over me and got the wrong idea and now she's gone.

He replied with :

You fucking asshole!!! Fine stay outta this one I'll take care of it myself!


I was so scared for her I really needed to find her but I didn't know exactly where she lived. I just knew which neighborhood but I decided that I'd go out and look for her. I had to warn her right away.


Jacy's POV

After the while the door stopped ringing I was relieved...a little.

I looked out the window and saw the car was still there so my worry was back again.

I opened my window a crack, making sure do it quietly as possible. I could hear some kind of quiet noise but I didn't know what it was exactly.

I then heard faint sounds coming from downstairs and I was shaking with fear. That fucking creeper must have picked the lock! OMG

My phone then vibrated and I looked at it. I had changed the sound from what it was because it got annoying.

I had a bunch more texts from Jayden and started reading the latest ones.

Jayden : Jacy I'm so sorry I swear to God that wasn't what it looked like!

Jayden : I have an explanation please just give me a chance!

Jayden : we've barely even started a relationship yet, I want it to go further not end now!!

Jayden : please Jacy don't leave me now

They were all related to that until one popped up just now.

Jayden : tell me where u live! Something bad is about to happen! give me your address!!

I gave him my address and stood there shocked. How did he know someone was coming? Was he a part of it? Did he really have an explanation?

All these questions blurred my mind as I heard the stairs creak. Oh shitters he must be coming upstairs. I started to shake again.

5 minutes later Jayden texted and said he was outside my house. I ran over to my window and looked out.

He stood there near the car, scanning the house looking at the windows.

He caught my eye in an instant and ran over underneath my window.

I quickly opened the window.

I honestly don't think I should trust him yet but right now he's my only chance if I don't wanna die tonight and I have plans for my lame life that I wanna do yet!

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