Chapter 4

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I rolled over in my bed on Saturday morning. "Jacy!!!!!" I heard my mom yell. Why would she wake me up so early on Saturday? I looked at my alarm clock and it read 11:10. Normally I sleep in till at least 1.

"What???!!" I screamed as loudly as possible.

"Come down here this instant!!"

Why was she so mad? I didn't do anything wrong did I?

I went to my closet and quickly pulled on some shorts and a baggy sweater since I only sleep in underwear and a bra. Don't judge me I get hot in the summer.

I left my hair out in its natural waves and flew down the stairs.

"What would u like?" I smiled sarcastically. My mom can get pretty mad sometimes and when she says something she means it.

"I need you to run to the store and pick up a few things, were having my parents over for dinner tonight and I need to start cooking," she said.

"Fine", I sighed.

She scribbled a couple things down on a list and handed it to me.

She gave me some money and I stuffed it all in my pocket.

I walked out the door rubbing my eyes. I'm soo sleepy.

I headed down the street and turned a few corners. I saw Walmart and thought it was good enough.

I headed towards the doors when someone caught my eye. Jayden was walking nearby with headphones in.

Shit. He can't see me I look horrible!

I started to walk faster hoping he wouldn't see me. But since I never get my way, I heard a voice call my name.

I slowly turned around and locked eyes with Jayden. God he was SO hot.

He took his headphones out and started walking towards me.

"Hey!" He smiled. It wasn't a lustful evil smirk either, it was a genuine smile. He seemed so different at this moment.

"Hey", I smiled back.

"What's new?", he asked.

"Nothin really, my mom woke me up early to go get stuff from the store", I sighed.

"It's almost 11:30, not that early", he laughed.

I laughed along with him. His laugh was amazing.

"So- uh - how are u?", I asked awkwardly.

"I'm alright I guess", he slightly smiled. It looked like something was bothering him though.

I smiled and looked down. It was kinda getting awkward.

"Umm, so um i was um wondering if u maybe wanted to watch a movie with me tomorrow?", he asked in such a cute way, he looked really nervous.

OMG I can't believe he just asked me out!!!!

He scratched the back of his neck and looked away.

I waited a few seconds before I replied, I didn't wanna sound too desperate.

"Umm sure", I smiled and I'm pretty sure I was blushing.

"Great! How about we meet at the theatre around 7?" He asked nervously.

"Sounds good", I said.

"Oh!!, your number", he said as he handed me his phone.

I punched in my number and gave it back.

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