Chapter 29 (edited)

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We arrive at the ice cream parlor, with me smiling and Evan grinning. He takes my hand in his. Walking inside, I look up at the menu to see all the flavors you could ever imagine. It's heaven.

The cashier lady welcomes us with a slight smile. "Welcome to Ice Cream world, how may I help you?" She says politely.

"Hello, I would like a medium-sized chocolate ice cream, and she would like..." He trails off. I gulp as my anxiety starts to rise. For the past couple months it hasn't been bad, yet it seems the past week or so it has gotten kinda bad.

Softly I lean up into Evan's ear, whispering what I would like, I flush red and hug him tightly before hiding my face in his chest. Evan nods, "And a small strawberry ice cream for my beautiful girlfriend." He says making me blush more, clutching him tighter.

"Okay that comes to $8.79" She replies as Evan pays for the team. We wait off to the side for them to hand it to us.

"I'm sorry...I got nervous." I admit embarrassed. He nods understanding, kissing my forehead.

"It's okay Babydoll, I know you have social issues sometimes, no worries my love." I smile at him as we get our ice creams handed to us. Evan and I make our ways to a booth in the corner of the room. I look around, not seeing many people in the parlor, other than an old couple. They notice us and give a smile, I smile back. Why are old people so nice?

"So what would you like to do when we get home, Sky?" Shrugging, I scoop up a bit of ice cream, stuffing it in my mouth. Yum!

Evan watches me as I eat, waiting for a response. "Hmm, I am not sure. What do YOU, wanna do?" I ask, emphasizing the 'you'. He lets out a small laugh.

"Wanna go and get some new electronics? I just got all my money from working with the gang. I am finally out of it. " I smile at that, now he's I nod at him.

"Sounds fun"

I feel that familiar feeling of having to go pee... "Uh, I'll be back, I have to go to the bathroom. " I say, walking to the back of the store towards the bathroom. Once I reach the restrooms, I do my business and wash my hands. As I do so, I realize I haven't gotten my period yet. My chest tightens at the thought of the possibility that could mean.

...We used protection, but...Oh god. Okay. It may just be late, I will just go to the store and buy some tests.


We arrive back home around 8 at night, and I rush right towards the bathroom. After Evan and I went shopping for some electronics and stuff, I asked if we could stop at Walgreens. I went in by myself and grabbed some pregnancy test, and some makeup as a decoy. I ended up just hiding the four test in my purse and saying I just wanted some makeup. Obviously, he bought that and now we're back home.

I sit there my eyes closed in anticipation. My heart races as I slowly look over at the tests.





No. No...Evans gonna leave me. He doesn't want kids right now. I'm gonna be a single mom, and Evans not gonna love me anymore. Tears stream down my cheeks, as I slump down on the tiled floor.

"Fuck!" I scream, hitting the floor with my fist, anger, and sadness fall over me, as I let out a strangled sob. I hear Evan come to the door, "Babe? Are you okay, what happened...?"

I sniffle lightly, "Nothing just dropped something, it scared me, sorry." I wipe away the tears and get up. Looking at my face, I actually don't look that bad. I mean, tear-stained cheek and makeup running down your face is the new style, right?

I grab the test, throwing them in the trash, covering them with newspaper. Taking a deep breath, I compose myself and open the door to see Evan standing there with a concerned face. Too bad he'll be gone soon...

I cover my face and walk my old room(the spare) and lay down. I stare off, tears slowly falling once again. I look down at the ring he had given me. So beautiful. God...Why do I have to ruin everything?

I fist at the sheets as memories of my father come back.

"You slut! Why must you interrupt everything, my life would be much better without you! You ruin everything, you know?! Fucking kill yourself how about that whore? Hmm? Fuck!" Father screamed at me. I cower off in the corner, "Ya, be scared you bitch." More tears fall as he throws the bottle at me. Vodka spills over the cuts the bottle had caused. I hiss at the pain and close my eyes. 'I deserve this...'

"Father... I am sorry I was born, I cause so much unneeded stress. I am sorry I am a screw-up..." I whisper softly to myself. Evan comes into my room and sits beside me. He reaches his hand to caress my back, soothingly only for me to flinch away.

"Sky...What happened, you've been acting weird since to ice cream parlor, did I do something...." Evan whispers. I feel his gaze on me.

"I...I...." I try to speak, only for a sob to crawl out. "I'm sorry Evan!" I whimper out, looking at him with tears in my eyes. He stares at me

"What happened Skylar, you can tell me..."

"No! You're gonna leave me and then we will be all alone." I yell desperately for him to understand.

"Why would I do that Sky, I love you... Did that ring mean nothing to you... Did making love to you mean nothing? I thought you would understand by now, I want to give you my everything, and live the rest of my life with you..." Evan whispers, as my chest tightens.

"I'm pregnant Evan. I know you don't want a child right now, and I know that after this, I am gonna mean nothing to-" I am cut off by Evans lips being smashed down on mine.

After a minute or so, he leans back, "Skylar. I will never leave you. I will care for you and OUR child. They will have a father that loves them, and as for us, we will be forever together. Mine, get that through your head Sky, I love you way too much to leave you."

I look up at him. "R-really...." He nods and pulls me to his chest holding me close. "I love you, Evan..."

He kisses my forehead, " I love you too Skylar and our little one." I feel his smile against my forehead. I smile at this. He wants me. He wants our baby. I am so foolish....

Tiredness starts to consume me and I yawn softly. Evan notices this and pulls me closer. "Goodnight my love, sleep well..." I hear him whisper, placing a light kiss on my lips.

"Goodnight..." And with that, I let darkness consume me, and fall back into dreamland.

****HEY! Another update! Wow...I proud of myself haha. What did you think of this? Too much? I was going for overdramatic of the character but not too much its annoying... Comments? Vote for new chapters :) Love you guys!

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