"Are You Kidding Me Right Now"

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I Really Hope You Guys Like It... It's My First Time Writing Were Others Can Read It! And Our Actress ❤😍 Gorgeous am I right! Chloe Moretz 🌸💕
Kacie's P.O.V

No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to pay attention. I'm really good at math. Some might say I'm great at it. After all, I am in every honor's class that exists. Not to brag but, I've always been good in school (of course I still have to work very hard to keep it this way). Today is definitely not my day!

After math, my teacher (Mrs.Cott) decides to pull me aside. I don't know why, I can't help but to feel really nervous. "Come on Kacie pull it together" I try to calm myself with my thoughts. I'm always nervous when the teacher wants to talk to me. I may have good grades but I lack in the behavior department. When she pulls me aside she doesn't look angry or disappointed this time. I'm quickly taken from my thoughts as she spins around, her red hair spinning with her.

She plasters a smile on her face as she opens the office door. We walk in, That's when I see him. I stair a little longer than normal. My heart starts racing. My only thought is "ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!". He has dark brown hair which is down and curls. He has very green eyes. I quickly check to see if I'm drooling and he probably thinks I'm a complete nerd.

I Wrote This Chapter To Mainly Introduced The Feelings And Thoughts Of Kacie. I Hope You Liked It!❤💕

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