"Hey, hottie!"

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Haven't been writing, I've kinda been through a rough time. Sorry. Garrett Clayton, as Tyler🙂🙃 Thoughts on Tyler?
Kacie's POV
"YOU!" I walk towards him poking his chest "stay away from me, or we're going to have major problems!"

He backs away from me. He looks amused! "Hey, hottie! Haven't seen you in a while." I cross my arms over my chest and take an annoyed breath. "What do you want?" I say snapping at Tyler. "Woah! Still hung up on your 'big brother' are we?" He chuckles glancing at Manuel. "That's non of your business. And there is no we...not anymore." I say feeling less confident with each word.

Manny clears his throat, gaining our attention. I forgot he was standing there. "Kaycie doesn't have feelings for me, when will you learn." Manny says in a surprisingly cold voice. "Oh my god! Since when are you so natïve?" He all but barks out.

"Manny, I wanna go inside." The discomfort caked on my face. He looks at me and his expression softens, when I get a glimpse of his expression towards my ex-boyfriend/best friend, I wince. "I'm sorry, let's go." He says innocently. A light blush makes it's way onto my face. I don't even know why.
We took our seats and I was beside Kaylee and Noah at the beginning of the movie. Noah was up to his player ways, flirting with the girls behind us. I finally got sick of the PDA and asked Noah to switch seats with the person next to him. Which happened to be Manny.

Manny happily switched spots with Noah so I can watch the film. After a few minutes, Manny speaks up, startling me. "Do you like the movie?" He knows I don't. I hate horror films. They make me stay up. So I speak my mind "you know I don't," I roll my eyes at the question. He chuckles "if it makes you feel any better you can come sit with me?" He stated more as a question. "Yes. It would." I wink at him. I like being so comfortable with Manuel. He chuckles and grabs me by my hips. Pulling me into his lap facing the movie. "Better?" He asks in a low, husky tone. "Yes." I chuckle at his reaction. I don't think much about it because I know how he really feels. He's my brother and I, his little sister.

Ugh. I feel like these are all fillers. Please tell me how to improve! Trust me, I need the criticism, lol.

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