"So He Does Talk"

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This Chapter Actually Includes Conversation! Sorry For The Others Without. I Thought It Would Be Fun To Have Some Background Information! Have Fun Reading!

I stand there for a second, my hand over my mouth. He looks at me very confused. I quickly pull my hand away, knowing I'm safe. Mrs.Cott gives me a nudge with her elbow. Which gives me the urge to break the silence. "Hi my name is Kacie, I'm guessing, I'm the one who will be showing you around" I say looking at my teacher for approval.

When she gives me a slight nod, I continue. I'm not the best at speaking, but I get the job done. "Your name is?" I say with a forced laugh. He looks at me a while longer. When he snaps out of his daze he looks me in the eyes and says "I'm James, some call me Jamie" to my surprise he holds out his hand. I hesitate, then I put my hand in his and shake his hand. Him touching me, made me blush. More than I want to admit.

When he lets go of my hand, I notice his face is red too. This makes my heart beat a little faster. I can't help but think about how hot he is. It's only lust. I know from experience that I'm not the greatest at being in relationships. I know for a fact this is going to distract me even more.

I show him around. I show him the lockers, the cafeteria, the classrooms. He gave me his schedule and lucky me, I have every class with him except one. I don't mean that sarcastically, but I do at the same time. He's quiet. Shy. It's cute, it really is!

When we get to our first class, he steps in. Immediately I catch a glimpse of a girl looking at him, like he's the last cookie on the planet! So I shoot her the evilest look I've ever given anyone. She quickly looks away and I let a small laugh escape my lips. James looks around to see what I'm laughing at and I stop.

During class me and James talk more. About everything and nothing. He looks at me for a while "what?" I say laughing at his last comment. He is really funny. He looks at the ground to hide his reddening face, I'm assuming from me.

He turns to look at me, his face still red. "You have a really great laugh" then he looks at the ground again. This time he seems to be calculating something. Maybe it was the thing we've said, maybe it was my questions, I don't know but he looks at me with an expression that I can't name.

Mrs.Cott looks at me, she comes to me and whispers so quiet that only I can hear and she says "So he does talk.". I stair blankly at her for a minute, until she lets out a small chuckle. I can now see what she is up to. I saw in that moment what she was planning. She's now planning out our entire lives together. She seems humored by my expression.

HOPE YOU LIKE IT! I'm Working On The Dialogue! I Promise More Talking. Have Fun Reading!

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