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My day went pretty fast regardless of the fact I had revision after school. The bell rung and I made my way to the science department

"I have biology revision,be home about quarter to 5 xx" i text my mum

"Okay love your tea will be ready xx"

I walk into the classroom and notice sir is there marking another years papers.

"I'm here.." I say smirking

"Hi Luce,sit wherever you want"

I decided to sit on the very front row,there was no point of going to the back

"So you're okay with respiration?" He asks

"Yes I already knew it anyway!" I say with a smile

"Just going to put these books in the store cupboard,won't be a sec"

He lifts up a mound of books and makes his way to the store cupboard in the next classroom down

I look at the clock and see that it reads 16:06. All the teachers will have left now.


Does it actually take two minutes to put books away? I mean it's a long time to do such a simple task.

I decide to go and see if he's alright. I walk to the next classroom and notice he's there with books all over the floor

"Need some help,sir?" I ask


I walk over to him and help him with these books. After we finished putting them away we stood up and met each other's eyes. I give him a quick smile and go to get my bag.

I hear him in the chemical cupboard whilst getting my bag

"Lucy can you come here a sec?"

I walk over to this cupboard I've never been in before and notice he is standing there doing absolutely nothing.


"How old are you?"


"Legal I see?"

I almost choked on my own saliva!


"Oh come on, I see the way you look at me"

I suppose I did look at him knowing that if I was a male id be hard as nails right now.

"Well, you're quite..hand some I must admit"

I face palmed my face, I must have went bright red, did I actually say that to my biology who's most likely twice the age as me?

"Put it this way Lucy, you're the most attractive pupil I teach in this school, and I teach many" he says, whilst walking towards me

" old are you?"


Oh my lord, I would call this rape but, it's not if you enjoy it, right?

He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"You wanna do this then?" He asks

"I would call rape, but I know id like it" I say cheekily

"Oh trust me, you wouldn't be saying rape after I'm finished with you"

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