Chapter 2 ~ Taken

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Where am I? I opened my eyes to see I was no longer in my room. WHAT?!
I shot up in my "bed" and frantically looked around. I'm in a.. JAIL CELL? There was nothing in the cell with me, only the cot that I was laying on. Then I noticed that there were more cells next to me.

"Omigosh, Sienna?!" I ran over to my right to see Sienna lying on a cot in the cell. And Zara and Kaylin in ones down the line.

"Uuuugghh" she groaned.

"Wake up, pleeeassee."

"What time is it?"

"It doesn't matter, just get up and look around."


Sienna groggily got up and opened her eyes. "AAAAAAAAHHHH!" She shrieked. That was enough to get both Zara and Kaylin up. And probably all of California too.

"Where are we?" Kaylin asked. "We've been kidnapped for real this time, haven't we?"

"Seems like it." I reply.

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming down the hall. "Ssshhhh!" Zara whispers.

A shadow emerges from around the corner. "Well well well. Look who decided to wake up. Which one of you is the scream queen?" A guy probably in his mid 20's asks.

"I am." Sienna says quietly.

"Hmm.." He says crossing his arms. Then his gaze moves to me. I freeze.

"How do you find your sleeping quarters? Don't worry, you'll get an upgrade after the experiments are done."

"Experiments?!" I echo, giving him an icy glare.

"Yes. It won't be painful... probably."

He looks me in the eyes. "And I know just what to give you and your friend over there."

"What the heck are you talking about?" Kaylin snaps.

"Ooh." He says walking over to Kaylin and Zara. "Quick with the mouth. Yes yes, I know what to give you."

"Why are we here?" Zara asks, grabbing the bars of the cell.

"Oh you'll see very soon."

"And what about our families? You can't just rip us away from them."

"We already have. Don't you worry your little brains about it, your family and friends will never find you. After a while, you'll probably be presumed dead."

Zara's eyes start to water a little.

"Yes, and I think I know what to give you too."

"Give us?" I spat. "That doesn't make any sense."

"It will soon." He looks at me and grins.

"Why us?" Sienna asks, with a sick look on her face.

"Well, you guys passed the test. Turns out not many girls your age can escape getting kidnapped. Obviously it's not hard for us when you're asleep because, well, here you are. But the guys with the truck was just a test to see how well you can fight. Seems you four have good potential."

I exchange glances with my friends. "And what about the girls who couldn't get away like we did?" I ask.

"We use some of them. Others we just return them. Don't fret, nothing too brutal." He observes us for a second. "Shall we start the experiments now?" He grabs a ring of keys from his back pocket and a cloth from his shirt pocket.

"Let's start with you" He says opening my cell. I try to dart past him but he grabs me in a quick movement, presses me up against the wall and holds the cloth to my mouth.

"What are you doing to her?!" I hear someone say, but the rest was blocked out as everything turned to black.

                                                                    * * *

I opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar room for the second time today. Only this time I was in some sort of chamber. Like a box or spaceship like thing with a window in front of my face. I struggled to move but my arms and legs are tied down.

"Help! Heeelp!" I yell, knowing that no one was coming to save me.

"Calm down Miss Stirling." I heard a voice say. I looked through the window to see a guy dressed in a long white jacket.

"It will be over before you know it." He smiled at me and flipped some sort of switch on a panel full of switches, levers, and buttons. The machine I was in started to whirr up.

"No, no please stop. Let me go!" I state frantically.

"Don't worry, you'll survive. Now brace yourself, this is going to hurt."

He starts to push a lever up. A blue mist fills the chamber, and it stings my skin and my lungs as I breath it in. He pushes the lever all the way up. I screeched, the pain filling my body. It felt like ice was encasing me, filling me up from the inside. I gritted my teeth, the pain only getting stronger. I couldn't take it. I screamed until I thought I lost my voice. It almost seemed like eternity, and I don't remember half of it, but I do remember what happened after.

When it was done, they opened the chamber and let me out. I collapsed on the floor, panting. I looked at my hands, which were white. I was freezing. "So....cold..." I breathed.

"Get her a blanket. The doctor/lab guy told one of his assistants. "It's okay Chloe. This is completely normal. You'll adjust. Your body will adapt. And you will gain immense power." 

I had no idea what he meant. But now I wouldn't change what happened. Yes, it took away my normality. I would never be able to turn back. But something good came out of this. Now, I'd be able to fight back...

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