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A/N: Double Update for Mother's Day♥️

"Your highness... Your eyes."

"We're alone, Mé." Anakin slowly descended the steps, holding a hand out to his wife and Empress. "On your feet, my Queen." His yellow eyes sent chills down her spine, both terrifying and oddly enticing. She gently took his hand, willing it not to shake as she rose up to her petite height. "Why are your eyes gold..? Wait, you told me on our honeymoon that I was seeing things! You lied to me!" Padmé's voice was shock but her irritation evident, her amber eyes narrowing slightly. "Sometimes, one is simply not ready for the truth as you still are not... Regardless, I am deeply sorry for lying to you about my eyes and furthermore still not clarifying why they turn yellow when I'm angry."

"Why can't you tell me?" She whimpered, allowing him to pull her forward. "Don't you trust me, Ani?" He sighed, one hand going behind her neck while his other arm pressed against the small of her back. "Of course I trust you, my Queen... It's simply not the right time for us to have that conversation." The Sith was trying so hard to calm down but his eyes remained yellow as his anger merely internalized. "Are you angry with me?" She looked up at him, getting used to the unnatural hue. "Not exactly you, love but rather the little stunt you just pulled with that damn Jedi... Why were you defying me?" He kept her glued against him, their eyes locked. "Do you know him or something?"

"No, Ani... I just think he'd serve us better alive then dead."

The Emperor paused for a moment, calculating her words carefully. "How so, my Queen?" He reluctantly released her, calmly walking up the stairs to his throne. While he adored his wife and wanted nothing more than to be glued to her side, Anakin thought that even a little distance might affect her; he didn't want to punish his Angel but the Sith knew he had to - gently, of course. "Well... You're in touch with the Force, right? Aren't Jedi sensitive to it as well?" Padmé bit her lip, feeling like her feet were glued to the floor. "Yes, Love... What does that have to do with anything?"

"Put down the label of Jedi for a moment..." She swallowed, watching him sit down in his throne. "He was caught and is currently being punished for using the Force openly - something that I know is frowned upon across the galaxy. How is fair that you, the very man in charge of the galaxy itself, can use the Force freely while people like Kenobi are persecuted and killed for it?" He didn't want to admit it audibly but Anakin knew she was right. "I don't use it openly." He reasoned with a wave of his hand.

"Still, how can you use it and live without being a hypocrite?"

Padmé began to feel as if she was being isolated from him as soon as she spoke. It was like her brain wasn't listening to her and her eyes made the short distance between them seem miles long. Something about it scared her; she didn't want to be far from her husband, not now or ever. "I understand, you do make a good point." The Sith purposely kept her legs paralyzed by the Force, finding a way to discipline this Angel effectively without actually laying a hand on his beautiful mate. Not even he could lay a hand on her, bring harm to a hair on her head...

"What purpose could this... former Jedi serve us, my Queen?"

"Can't you make him align with you?" Padmé bit her lip, tucking a stray curl behind her ear as she looked at the ground. "I don't know what faction you belong to, be it Gray or Sith seeing how much you hate the Jedi... Why not make him serve whatever it is you do?" Anakin paused, slightly ruffled by the fact she was one step closer to his world by the obvious. He knew that his wife was smart and moreover that most of the galaxy knew of the Force's trinity - Jedi, Gray and Sith. What the Emperor wasn't expecting her to do is put the pieces together so quickly. How could he brush this off without lying to her again? As much as he wasn't against lying, something about being dishonest with Padmé made him feel almost unworthy of her...

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