Mysterious Pasts Revealed

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3rd Person Omniscient POV~

"Nice catch, spangles." Tony was the first to speak out as the rest of the room collectively sighed. "Why didn't she tell us she was this bad?" Bruce questioned from the other side of the room. "Prideful creature. She doesn't like to show weakness, that much I know about her. Amongst other things..." Loki trailed off, looking longingly at the unconscious beauty in Steve's arms, muttering healing spells under his breath. Natasha narrowed her eyes at the Asgardian, just catching his last utterance. "What do you mean, amongst other things?" Loki's head snapped in her direction immediately. "If you must to know, we have met once before. Although I do not know why she did not recognize Thor or myself. I can't read her mind at times, like right now as an example; there's a wall of some sort, like a protective barrier put there so that I, or any one else for that matter, cannot access her memories. That is all I know." Tony made his presence known again. "You didn't think that would have been useful information about, oh I don't know, a few days ago?" Loki narrowed his eyes at him. "My past is of no concern to you, or anyone else, Stark." He spat. Steve just cleared his throat, breaking the awkward silence. "I'm just going to lay her in her bed. Until then, why don't we just wait until she wakes up to discuss this any further." And with that, he headed for the elevator.

Thana POV~

Flashbacks of my childhood began to play like movies in my head; playing in my mother's garden, my father showing me his kingdom, but one fuzzy memory stood out the most. I was in a golden throne room, surrounded by people in fancy outfits, dancing, laughing and enjoying the night. They all split to either side of the room, making way for my parents and I. We stopped at a pair of thrones in the center of the room, occupied by a scowling man dressed in golden armor and one eye, holding a staff and a beautiful woman in a dress, her brown hair in a slightly curly ponytail resting on her shoulder as she beamed down at me. To her right were two boys, one blonde with a cocky smile who seemed to be the oldest of the two, and one with raven black hair and a mischievous look about him, both maybe just a few years older than myself. The one eyed man introduced them to my parents, although I didn't hear him, being all to interested in my surroundings, especially the raven haired boy who was looking at me intently. I snapped out of my trance as my father called my name. I introduced myself, curtsying how I had always been taught to do in the presence of royalty. "Hello, your highnesses. My name is Princess Thanaiadene, daughter of Hades and Persephone, the rulers of the underworld. I am very pleased to meet all of you." I finished. "Rise, and let me have a good look at you, child." I remember thinking, 'How can he get a good look at anything with just one eye?' and hearing small snickers from Loki. I did as he asked, standing up straight and holding my head up high, assuming my 'princess position', as I liked to call it. He gave me a once over, nodding in approval. "Hades, you have a beautiful daughter. Take care she doesn't fall prey to the charms of my sons, eh?" He laughed, attempting to make a joke. I looked at my mother, an eyebrow raised in question. She just shook her head in silence. "Your highness, if I may interject, I should hope it would be your sons that would not fall prey to me." I said, smirking. He stopped laughing abruptly, looking at me in surprise. The lady began to laugh. "It seems as if our little guest is quite the wordsmith, dear. Tell me, what else can you do?" I smiled, eager for the opportunity to showcase my talents. "My lady, I would be honored to show you, however, I need a volunteer." She motioned for one of the boys, and the blonde stepped up immediately, his interest peaked. "My son Thor would be happy to assist you." I smiled, holding my hand out for him to shake. "Hello, Thor. My name's Thanaiadene. But please call me Thana. You and I will be sparring, although I have to warn you, I'm pretty good at it." He grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on it, earning a weirded out look and a blush from me. "Lady Thanaiadene, 'tis an honor to meet and assist you, though I do not wish to harm such a pretty maiden." I immediately withdrew my hand. "Humor me." I said monotonously, putting a cap on my emotions. People instantly cleared a space. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. I ran at him, full speed ahead and shadow traveled at the last minute, appearing behind him and tapping his shoulder. "Boo." I said, elbowing him in the back before I shadow traveled in front of him, my fist making contact with his jaw. "Angry yet?" I asked, as he recovered from the blow, looking ready to kill. "As I stated earlier, I do not wish to hurt you, but if you continue to provoke me, I will have no choice but to defend myself." I smiled, popping up behind him again and giving him a swift kick in the pants. "That's the plan anyway." He grabbed for me, but I dodged, grabbing his arm and threw him to the ground, pinning him down. "I am a warrior, and I refuse to be treated as some mere spoiled brat just because I have a resounding title and a pretty face. I am fully capable of handling myself." I finished, releasing him. "I did not mean to offend you, milady." He said, his anger subsiding as he brushed himself off. I sighed lightly, rolling my eyes and held out my hand for him to take. He did so, grinning at me. I couldn't help but to smile as we made our way back over to our parents. "Such a prize." The eye patch man said. "Loki? Surely you could give our young guest a tour of the grounds, yes?" The brunette woman asked. He looked at me as he answered. "I would be delighted to." I kept my expression stoic as he held out his arm and I took it, looping my own in his. "Come, princess. Allow me to show you the palace." He smirked down at me.

It was at that moment I regained consciousness, as I was engulfed in darkness, to come back to the present time. I took in a deep breath, my eyes snapping open as I shot up in a bed. I looked around the room, recognizing the surroundings to be my room. I calmed down enough to realize that I wasn't just dreaming. I got up, changing and decided to send an Iris message to my mother. If anyone knew anything about this craziness, she would. I tossed a drachma in the water and said her name. A few minutes later, her smiling face appeared, looking surprised to see me. "Hello, my daughter. How is camp?" I shifted my eyes off to the side before answering the question. "Well for starters, I'm not at camp. I'm at Stark Tower aka Avengers HQ. And I'm an Avenger now. But the reason I called is to ask you something about something from when I was younger. Do you ever remember me sparring with a prince named Thor from Asgard?" The look on her face said it all. "Mother.." I began. "There's a lot I don't remember from back then, Thanaiadene." I raised an eyebrow at her in disbelief, swooping some of the water up with my hydrokinesis, taking it with me to the elevator. My mother was silent the whole ride to the living area. I walked out to see everyone sitting around one another, no one noticing me until I made my way to where Thor and Loki were sitting, the blonde eating a pop tart and the raven haired masterpiece with his nose stuck in a book. Startled, Thor almost choked on his food as I began to speak. "So you're telling me you don't remember either of these two?" I said, gesturing to Thor and Loki. Thor finally composed himself. "Lady Thanaiadene, I did not see you there! How do you fare?" I smiled at him, answering his question before turning back to the orb of water in my palm. "I'm fine, Thor. Thanks for asking." My mother was silent. "Dear, I think I hear your father calling for me." I cut her off. "Mother, don't you dare-" She left, ending the message completely. I huffed, feeling defeated. I directed the water to the sink before straightening my form. Clint spoke up first. "What was with the water and the lady?" I shrugged. "That was an Iris message. It's basically like Facetime for demigods. And to answer your other question, that lady was my mother." He, along with everyone else, began to process the new information. "So, can either of you explain why I'm getting flashes of memories that involve you two?" Thor looked over at Loki, who had long since put his book down, and was paying close attention to my words. "That question, love, is one that I can and cannot answer." That just brought on a whole new level of confusion as I sat in place with my poker face in effect.

So shout out to @JoJo_jmc for the nice comments and yes I totally was referencing ATLA lol but I hope you all like the new update! Lemme know what you want to see in upcoming chapters and as always, thanks for reading!

Phoenix Rising: A PJATO/Avengers Crossover/Loki Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now