"Isn't that my line?"

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I felt everyone's eyes on me all at once. As I turned around to face the music I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my head. "So I guess I have some explaining to do." Tony had his hand on his hip and said what was on everyone's mind. "What the hell is an 'Alecto' and what the hell did it want with you?" I sighed. "She and the other three creatures with her are known as the furies. They are mostly spirits of vengeance that reside in the underworld, but freelance as messengers for my father sometimes. Apparently, he wants me to come to the underworld next week." He took his hand off of his hip. "What happens in a week?" Clint asked. I looked down gravely, mumbling softly. "It might be my birthday, or something..." They didn't hear me, so Steve asked me to speak up. "It's...my birthday." I said begrudgingly. The team shared looks of surprise, then looking back at me; shared looks of concern. Natasha pointed out my facial expression first. "You don't seem too happy about that." I sighed again. "It's..nothing." Steve spoke up next. "Thana, we're a team. You can trust us." I closed my eyes, digesting his words. "It's also my..coronation." I said, struggling with the last part of the sentence. "So...exactly how is that a bad thing?" Steve retorted. "It's just..nevermind. I'll explain later. Does anyone know what day and time it is?" Tony pulled out his phone to look before replying, "Friday and about 8:30, why?" I shook my head; realization freeing my mind from my previous thoughts and remembering what was happening today. "Crap, I'm gonna be late! I have to go." Several of the team had shouts of protest, but they were all ignored as I headed for the elevator, pushing the button for the garage and leaving the team dumbfounded. Once I got there, I hopped in my car, speeding off for my studio. When I arrived, I got everything ready for my classes and tried to put on a brave face for my students.

~Meanwhile back at Avengers Tower~

"So...what just happened exactly?" A bewildered Tony asked no one in particular. Bruce spoke up next, "I believe that is called 'giving one the slip'." Tony just facepalmed. "Where the hell did she need to go THAT quick? And this early?" Everyone exchanged looks until Loki had a light bulb moment. "I do seem to recall that Thanaiadene has a dance studio not too far from the tower, yes?" Loki mused aloud. Tony just looked at the god with disbelief. "Like I'm gonna believe you, Reindeer Games. JARVIS, do a search for dance studios in the area and see if there's any connection to Thana." The AI responded promptly with a, "Right away, sir." Not even two minutes had passed before JARVIS broke the silence with his findings. "Sir, it seems as if Miss Phoenix indeed has a dance studio here in Manhattan less than thirty minutes away from the tower called 'Phoenix Dance'. The itinerary lists classes for fighting as well as dance ranging from 9:30 to 11:30, and has an event on Fridays called 'Freeform Friday' where students can dance creatively. Her studio has won many prestigious awards over the years, hosts charity events and has a program that pays for underprivileged students to attend the college of their choice through work study. Miss Phoenix also has a YouTube channel for the dance class, which I've also sent the link for to your phone." Tony pulled out his phone and pulls up the YouTube channel, tapping on the first video. The team gathered around to watch, shocked and impressed with the goddess's moves before Tony interrupted the steady silence. "JARVIS, will you-" the AI cuts him off, already knowing what the billionaire/playboy/philanthropist was going to ask. "I've already sent the location to your phone, sir." Tony looked back at his phone and surely enough, there were the directions. Loki just smirked at him as Tony just glared at him before speaking up again. "Well, looks like we're going to dance class. Avengers, assemble!" Everybody gets ready to leave, except for Steve who just says, "Isn't that my line?"

~Back at the studio~

As soon as fight class was over, I got ready for my dance class, changing into this. (I finally figured out how to hyperlink text to pictures!!) My assistant Stephen Fontaine surprised me; another demigod. He had been on a quest for his father Apollo for the past month, although my class knew nothing more about it than him going on a 'vacation'. He was a pretty attractive guy, from his curly blonde hair, nice body, and tan skin; apparently over half the Apollo kids look like this, but his sea green eyes are what really threw you off of the 'typical Apollo kid' stereotype. It's really the first thing you notice about the guy, other than his board straight bleach white smile. I hugged him immediately. "I'm so glad you're back safe and sound! Why didn't you tell me you were back?" He smiled at me with that warm smile I'd only ever seen Will flash, a genuinely warm smile, before answering my question. "Well, I went back to camp to report back to Mama Solace about the chariot, which I retrieved, and to get this particularly nasty scratch along my back when he started going on and on about how I ought to be more careful and didn't I know I could've been killed, and of course I got the, 'Well you know I worry' speech. After all that I was tired, so I crashed at camp last night and just decided to surprise you today. Oh, and Nico asked me to tell you he said hi. So what have you been up to, mikrí aderfí?" I took a deep breath. "Well, I'm an Avenger now for starters." He looked at me with an eyebrow raised, as if to say explain. "It all started when I got invited to a party at Avengers Tower..." I told him the story, going in to detail about what had happened at the party, and afterwards when SHIELD sent Thor and Loki after me at camp, and later finding out I knew them. "Wow. So you're a superhero now?" I half smiled. "Yeah, I guess so. And it doesn't help that my parents have 'requested' the grace of my presence to the underworld next week. And I don't have to tell you what for." He nodded, understanding immediately. "I'm just not ready for them to meet my family yet. I finally have semi normal friends and I don't want them driving them away, amongst other things." Stephen raised an eyebrow at that. "So, who is he?" He asked, catching me off guard. "Who is who?" I asked. "The guy that you like." He said bluntly. I shook my head, rolling my eyes. "There's no guy, okay? I don't know why everyone thinks that." He stared at me for a second with a look of disbelief then left it alone. Our class came in and instantly crowded around Stephen, asking him questions about his 'vacation' and what he did. Stephen gracefully answered everyone's questions truthfully (to some extent) and the class settled down as I reached my place in front of them, Stephen appearing by my side. "Good morning, class." I greeted them normally. "Good morning, Miss Phoenix." They answered back. "As you may have already noticed, Mr. Fontaine is back, which is cause for celebration, since today is..." I led off, the class finishing my sentence, "Freeform Friday!" I smiled and looked at Stephen before addressing the class again. "Why don't we let Mr. Fontaine pick out the music and dance for today?" They all happily agreed as Stephen thought for a minute and made up his mind. "Why don't we have a little competition? We'll team up in groups of two. The first team to-" Stephen didn't get to finish his sentence because the door burst open as Earth's Mightiest Heroes came in, all suited up and in formation.

Phoenix Rising: A PJATO/Avengers Crossover/Loki Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now