Four: United

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Edited by: Bella

I don't know what to do, but I run along with them. You can't heal so I'll have to play safe. I look at Raven, one swing of her staff and ravens go flying across the arena, distracting the enemy.

The soldiers spawn, attacking the enemies. I attack with them until a girl with a giant scythe charges at me with full strength, I'm not a good fighter, but I try my best. Quickly, I use both of my blades to deflect her scythe. She growls and I get pushed back. I use my swords to stop me from falling backwards.

I suddenly remembered.

Then, with a click of a button, I'm soaring across the arena, she looks surprised, but then goes back to being focused. I swing back at her, twisting and spinning my blades as she falls to the ground, coughs out blood, and gets back up.

The funny thing is, we are all fighting to get on the United team, and one day, we'll be allies.

"You think your so good." The girl sneers at me, her lip, now bleeding. "I saw you play, you play horribly." She's trying to anger me, but I stayed calm.

She swings her scythe roughly, it cuts my cheek and blood starts to pour. I throw my sword at her, but I wasn't aiming for her, I aimed for the wall as a distraction.

"You missed you little b-"

I quickly launch my chains out swinging behind her, she was surprised. My diversion worked. I was about to hit her, but she quickly kicked me in the gut, making me fall weakly on the ground as I groan in agony.

"Should've just died." She gives me an evil smirk. She raises her scythe in the air.




My chains!

Weakly, I force my shaky fingers to press the buttons. I look back at her and smile. "Challenge
accepted." And I flew. My team was dominating the other, I just needed to get this girl distracted so we would win.

She was surprised again, but recovered. We started to sword fight, each time I swung, she deflected it, and it did the same for her. I finally tripped her and she fell with a thud. I'm about to slash at her but she uses her scythe to trip me as well. We're both on the ground now.

Out of all the people I fought, I knew she was going to be a rival. A big rival.

Before she could grab her scythe, I kicked it away and she glared at me. I got up as fast as I can, flipping my bangs out of the way.

No kidding, I was tired and weak, I had forced myself to fight her, even though I really didn't want to. My everything was hurt and sore.

I look at her HP as she gets up and wipes her face. She growls again. Her hatred for me was burning holes in my head.

I needed to think fast before she killed me, I quickly look around, there was a small forest with jungle monsters. I could hide there for a little.

To intimidate her, I grin and run into the forest. She angrily chases after me, I know she wanted to kill me so badly. I could tell, we were not going to be friends.

Before she notices, I climb up a tree and hide as she looks around, in position for an ambush. I look around, then at the arena walls, perfect. I send my chains flying to the wall, I feel like Spiderman.

I also feel like a bird, soaring higher and higher. She doesn't notice me yet, which is good. Before I knew it, I was face to face with the fire guy. I was at the border area, he was watching below, but now making eye contact with me, surprised on how high I am.

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