Three: New Enemy

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Edited By: Bella

Waking up, my feet hurt from walking all day, exploring the town. I met a girl, she was tough and her name was Raven. Hopefully, we would become friends.

I groan, then remember I'm still in the game, and I was desperately hungry and needed some nutrients. Luckily, we could eat in the game and still be fit in real life, I didn't know how that worked. Technology these days.

I trudge to the bathroom and wash my face, just like I was in real life. I then put on my equipment, my swords dangling from the side to side. I currently didn't have food so I traveled to the town.

Like always, it was bustling with all sorts of heros. They each had a uniqe weapon that sort of matched their personality. Some looked strong, some looked weak, like me.

I look around and notice a food cart. It was filled with apples and bread. At least everyone was munching on a quick snack. Food before battle was probably the smartest plan.

I walk over to the cart and grab an apple, thankfully it was free because I currently didn't have an coins with me. I take a bite of the crispy apple, savoring it's sweetness. I can't help but smile, who doesn't like food?

"Did you hear?" A girl beside me says, I can't help but eavesdrop, leaning a tad bit closer. "The tryouts for the teams are today."

Tryouts. I remember signing up for one, I didn't know which because I didn't know what I was doing. I was just doing what the others were, though. Hopefully I didn't sign up for a dorky team. Yuck.

"I hope I get a good team." The girl replies back to the other one. Then I hear a loud crunch, she's probably chewing on an apple.

"What time?"

"It's starting in a couple minutes."

"Awesome. Let's go together."


Holy crap, the tryouts were starting in a couple minutes and I have rarely even played that much. I groan, the girls look at me oddly as they walk away, well, one of them were flying. After they're gone, I groan louder, I can't believe I signed up for this.

I needed to train, but tryouts were starting in a couple minutes. I felt like pulling out my hair, but I stayed calm. After three minutes of crunching on the best apple ever, I throw the core away and jog quickly to the town center.

I turn my head back so I'm looking over my shoulder. "Thank you!" I scream to the young lady next to the apple cart, she gives me a genuine smile.

"Nice people are so amazing, I wish there were people that nice in the real w-"


I blink once. Then twice. Then look up. I craned my neck since this person was towering over my head. Well, I'm over exaggerating. There was a boy, his head was covered except for his lower part of the head. It was like a helmet almost, his muscular body was covered with metal, he litarly looked like a robot. He carried a sword/staff, and had a sidekick flying above him.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but I could almost feel it.

"I- I'm sorry." I couldn't even speak. Stupid mouth. He looks like a statue, standing so still.

He doesn't speak, but turns his head, and walks past me, moving his shoulder slightly so it doesn't have contact with my own.

Wow. A simple 'That's okay, I'll be fine' would've been nice.

I think to myself, rolling my eyes and huffing. Whatever, nows not the time. I need to go to those tryouts. Suddenly, the clock ticks loudly, snapping me back to reality. Crap. I'm going to be late.

I sprint, it was just over there and I didn't need to use the teleport orb. The town center was fancy, in a way. There was this huge statue of the blue haired goddess, holding up a sword to the sky and her wings out.

Everyone was gathered, we walked into the ginormous building. When I entered, there was a front desk, then at the back were these borders that blocked people from falling in. Behind those borders was a large, nature-like battle arena, with gigantic crystals and soldiers. Everyone could watch above as you battled below. Like a basketball stadium almost, but not.

"Gather around." I look and it was a digital man, he was made of pixels and was just a hologram. "If your names are Raven, Jaque, Soldier 36, Luno, and Eion, come here now." The hologram instructed. He said five more but I didn't pay attention.

"It's Eeeyon, not I-yon." I correct the stupid hologram. "Oh wait, that's me?" I notice it was my name. "Oh." I say as I walk up there.

I see the raven girl named Raven, her staff had a raven sitting at the top. No joke, she was tall. Then I notice a shirtless guy with dark purple skin and jet black hair, carrying a black, long, spear. Purple and black shadows followed him everywhere. Then, there was another guy, He had a full moon behind his back and a large book, a mage most likely.

Finally there was- robot man? I'm dazed and shocked. He was the guy who bumped into me earlier. I can't help but wonder if he is a full robot. I shake my head. Forget it, I need to focus.

"Great." The hologram said. "All of you are here. All try people are fighting, five on each team, the team leader is watching from afar. He's watching for every good attitude you have. Go downstairs and good luck! This is for team United!"

Oh. Team United.

We head downstairs, like the guy said. "Alright!" Another hologram says, but it's a girl this time. "Your goal is to destroy the crystal. If you do, you win, this is a mode where you can't heal. You have one healing potion, use it wisely. Play safe, hard, and rough. But most of all, play good."

The Jaque guy grins, as the countdown starts. My heart beats quickly. I take out my blades and clutch them tightly, preparing myself for an intense battle.






We run out of the dark room, there are people watching, but only one is focusing on me.

I can't help but stare back at his fiery gaze, wondering what's in those red, fire, soulless, eyes.

*does in evil laugh

How do you like dem cliffhangers! We love them! >~<

PLEASE READ: Your probably wondering when she signed up, though it wasn't in the book, the event already occurred. Sorry bout that!

Daisy: Also, sorry for such a short chapter, I felt the need to have a cliffhanger, but don't worry! The next chapter is better!

QOTD: If you could have any job, what would it be?

Daisy: an actress

Lacy: a gamer

Till next time...

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