Chapter 1

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            Makoto had woken up to bright sunlight hitting his face. He sat up, and the book that was laid open on his chest thumped to the floor. Sighing, Makoto picked it up and began getting ready for his day in the god-awful town. The villagers talked about him all the time even when he was standing right in front of them. It didn't matter anymore, however. He learned to shut them out with a book or occupying his mind with riddles as he would take errands for his grandmother.

"Makoto? Are you up yet?" His grandmother called. It was only the two of them. His parents and grandfather were dead.

"Yes, grandmama," Makoto called back. He stood up, stretched, and eventually made his way down the stairs of the small cottage they owned with the book in his hand.

"Stayed up reading last night, huh?" His grandmother turned around to look at him. She couldn't help but think how handsome he was getting. When she asked her innocent grandson about starting a family, he would roll his eyes and tell her he had plans for life.

"Yeah. One of my favorites," Makoto smiled. He looked down at the book in his hand. "Need me help make breakfast?"

"No. You can go ahead and go into town. It'll be ready when you come back."

"Yes ma'am," Makoto put on his boots and grabbed everything he needed to take into town, which included the book.

The village was only a few minutes walk. It gave Makoto just enough time to clear his head and be in the right mind-set when people would talk about him. The white stray cat he took in followed him. He hummed to himself the entire way there lost in his thoughts. First, Makoto went to the baker, he knew grandmother would be upset if he did not bring any fresh bread. He even bought some cookies. Who said you couldn't treat yourself every once in a while? Second, and one of his favorite places, Makoto went to the library. The scent of books brought him happiness like no other even when he heard the towns people whispering behind him.

"You here today again, Makoto?"

"Yes. There's no better place to be than here," Makoto gave the librarian, and his only friend a smile. "Has anything new came in today?"

The librarian frowned, "I'm afraid not. In a few days we should, though."

Excitement flowed through Makoto. He had read every book in the library here, and it was not often new books came in. "Wonderful! I can't wait to read it." Makoto handed the librarian a cookie and the book he borrowed. Immediately, Makoto turned to the shelves to find the book of poems he loved so much.

"Keep the book, Makoto."

"Wh-what?" He stammered. The librarian smiled.

"No one picks up that book anyways. Well, any book really. However, you're the only one that has touched it. Keep it," the librarian insisted. "I'm not taking no for an answer."

Makoto knew how stubborn his friend could be. "Thank-you." He truly was touched. He walked out of the door, saying his goodbyes. He walked over to the fountain and sat with his white cat. Makoto began digging into his cookies and read his poems happily. He knew he was getting stares from people, but he did not care. Eventually, Makoto knew he had to go back home. He picked some wildflowers for grandmother, and was on his way home when that man stopped him.

"What do you want Gale?" Makoto tried to be nice many times to this man, but he was so brainless.

"You, me? Tonight, we go out for a lover's stroll," Gale ran his hand through his hair. There was no doubt he was good-looking, but Makoto would not be able to put up with him.

"I'll pass," Makoto rolled his eyes, and pushed past him. He tried to walk as fast as he could, but Gale was able to catch up with him.

"And why not?" He frowned.

"I'm... Busy. My grandmother is getting ready for her convention and I need to help her," Makoto had completely forgot, yet happily remembered. "I need to get going."

Makoto heard the three girls swoon. At him or Gale, he did not know, but Nagisa, Gale's right hand man, had to remind them that neither were interested in... well women. Makoto hurried back to the cottage. His grandmother needed to finish her inventions.


"I don't have to go," Makoto's grandmother said, and he chuckled in response.

"Nonsense, grandma. You say that every year and every year you go. Besides, I have some reading to do and some Gale avoiding to work on."

"I don't think that man will ever leave you alone," his grandmother told him. She hated him just as much as Makoto. Makoto gave her a hug before she climbed onto their cart with their horse, Felix, attached. "I love you Makoto."

"I love you too, grandmother. Be safe," he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll be back in three days."

"I know," Makoto smiled.

"Goodbye!" She moved Felix's reigns and the horse obliged.

"Goodbye!" Makoto called. He watched his grandmother leave until he could not see her anymore. Makoto sighed and took care of the chickens they had. Once the sun began to set, he walked back over to the cottage and groaned in annoyance.

"What do you want, Gale?" Makoto tried not to demand.

Gale was leaned up against the door. "Nothing much," he shrugged.

"Really? Because I was thinking of going to bed soon."

"Oh. Would you look at that? Mind if I come in?" Gale asked innocently.

Makoto sighed, his grandmother told him to not be a bad host. "Yeah... You can come in." They walked in the tiny cottage together and Gale sat down.

"Makoto, I want to ask you something."

"Yes, Gale?"

"Well, I actually wanted to ask you when we were some place a little more romantic... However, you won't let me take you anywhere-"

"Just get on with it Gale," Makoto demanded. The sooner he left, the better.

"Fine, fine. But don't get angry at me when you complain about the setting not being romantic," Gale grumbled. He stood up and walked towards Makoto, and got down on a knee. "Makoto, will you marry me?"

"What? Are you insane?"

Taken aback Gale instead said, "I'm in love with you Makoto. I always have been."

"In love with me?" Makoto almost scoffed. "Gale, me and you are not anything alike and we would not make each other happy."

"Happy? Who said anything about happy?" Gale became confused. Makoto almost laughed.

"Gale... I think it would be best if you left. Please," Makoto whispered. Gale's face turned into anger.

"Fine! If you won't marry me, you're going to die alone. Just a heads up, Makoto. No one is going to marry somebody who is as... weird as you!" Gale told him. He opened the door and slammed it. Makoto was happy to see Gale leave. After a while however, Gale's words rang in his head, and Makoto grabbed his book of poems and went out to the field to clear his mind. It was almost dark when Makoto heard a horse galloping loudly towards where he was laying. Confused, Makoto looked up and saw Felix, but no grandmother.

"Felix! Felix!" He tried to calm him. "Whoa, boy. Where's grandmother? Huh? Grandmama? Where is she?" Makoto freaked out. He ran to the cottage with Felix in tow, and ran through the house, grabbing essentials. Makoto sprinted back out to where Felix was and climbed upon him. "Take me to grandmother," he whispered, and kicked Felix into a gallop.

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