Chapter 2

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A/N: This chapter is a filler during the last chapter I posted. I didn't want to keep switching between POVs last chapter. This'll switch between Gale and Makoto's grandmother. When Gale decides to ask Makoto to propose, and Makoto's grandmother getting lost. I felt like it was necessary and essential to the story.

Gale sighed in disappointment as he watched Makoto walk away. "Nagisa, when will he love me?"

Nagisa moved his blonde hair out of his eyes. Not wanting to tell Gale the truth of how he doubted Makoto would love Gale, he said to Gale, "Soon."

"Hmph," Gale pouted. "I want to make him mine."

"How about you forget about him and try to move on?" Nagisa tried to reason. "Maybe you can try women for a change. They seem to like you."

Gale shrugged. "I don't know... Women are beautiful... Do you think it's possible to be attracted to both?"

Nagisa nodded. "Besides, you're Gale. You'll make it possible." He attempted to make Gale feel better.

"That's true. However, I still want Makoto. There is no one else like him I've met before... To have someone so unique, so beautiful... People would ask me how I got him..." Gale started to fantasize of how much attention he would get if Makoto became his husband. Nagisa, tried not to show his discomfort when Gale spoke of people like they were nothing more than a prize for him to keep, yet he knew to Gale, Makoto would be the best prize ever. Especially by how much he refused Gale's antics. It would be the perfect prize for the perfect hunter.

"I'm going to ask him to marry me," Gale informed Nagisa as if they were only talking about the weather.

"Gale, I don't think-"

"Nonsense my friend!" He grabbed Nasgisa's shoulder. "You said soon, and tonight is soon!"

Nagisa immediately felt bad for Makoto; he had no idea what was coming for him.


Marie wasn't thinking about much as she traveled through the forest with Felix. She mulled over all of her plans for her convention to make sure there weren't any flaws. Her grandson, Makoto, did cross her mind. Oh, how she loved him, poor lad. She worried for him and how lonely he seemed; he preferred books over people no matter how hard she tried to get him to socialize when he was young. She apologized silently to Makoto's father that she had not raised him as to not be so lonely. Felix started whickering nervously, and Marie pulled him from walking any further. "What's wrong boy?" A wolf howled in the distance, and Marie tried to push down the panic that began to set in. She whipped Felix's reigns and he began to gallop. When he reached the fork in the road, however, he went to the right instead of the left. Marie knew she would not be able to turn him around until their threat had passed them. She heard the wolves gaining closer; Felix was not going fast enough. "Come on boy!" She attempted to keep the desperation out of her voice, but failed. The wolves were nipping at the cart and at Felix's feet. Felix had pulled too hard, and the cart was detached. "Felix!" Marie called, but he only kept galloping, as he turned back towards the fork in the road. The wolves followed after him, not seeing the older woman stranded with no transportation. It was almost dark, and Marie looked through the back of her cart, and thanked the heavens when she found her lantern still intact. With no other way to go except down the road, Marie persisted. She would find a way to get back to her grandson.


Marie was stumbling, and freezing, with her lantern in her hand when she saw it. The trees began to thin, and she saw a large structure in the distance. When she was closer, she realized it was a castle. It was huge, parts crumbled, and it was dark, unbelievably dark. Instead of a fairytale, it looked a little more like a nightmare. 'For Makoto. That boy better find someone nice to give me a family or I'll rip him to pieces,' Marie thought as she looked at the looming structure once more. "Hello?" She knocked on the front door. "Anyone...there...?" she trailed off as the door open by itself. "Okay...." Marie walked in slowly, and looked around. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I'm lost and I just need some shelter for tonight... Wolves scared off my horse..." She was in the common room she realized. There was a fire, with a comfortable looking chair. "If you don't mind, I'm going to sit down for a while..."

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