It's Not Easy To See A Friend In Pain

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This is no longer like last time. Oikawa thought to himself. This is much, much worse. He could no longer focus, a panicked feeling taking over his body. Slowly, his hands started to shake and the tears started rolling down his cheeks. It doesn't take a genius to see how much Hinata meant to Oikawa. Both the Karasuno and Aoba Johsai team members couldn't believe they didn't even know about the relationship between the two. But then again, no one ever asked.

"Oikawa." Iwa-chan. Oikawa turned around to look at him before he felt a stinging sensation on his cheek.

"Iwa-chan, did you just slap me?!"

"Good, you stopped shaking." Only now Oikawa realised Iwa-chan's purpose of slapping him, and it worked. He should really thank him later. "Now that you're back, concentrate on what you need to do. An ambulance has been called, they will be here in about 20 minutes. In the meantime, you are the only one here who knows what to do. We need you to stay focused and not lose yourself. Not now. We need you, and more importantly, HINATA needs you, or... he might not make it."

Leave it to Iwaizumi to say it to him straight. He always knows exactly what to tell him, whether he wants to hear it or not. But he's right. He looked up to see his friends around him, having gathered the supplies he asked for and ready to help in whatever way they can.

"Ok..." he mumbled, looking down at an unconscious Hinata. "Ok!" He says again, but this time more confidently than before. "Let's do this."

"Daichi? I see you brought heaps, that's good. Firstly, take the jumpers and come over here." Being a lot calmer now, Oikawa got to work. He carefully lifted up Hinata's leg, guiding the prosthesis as to not put any more pressure on the already bad wound. Daichi slid the stack of jumpers under Hinata's upper leg, while Oikawa slowly put it back down, leaving it elevated in an attempt to lessen the blood flow.

Elevation is good, right? Oikawa thought. He was trying his hardest to remember exactly what they did last time. At least Hinata won't feel the pain, now that he's unconsc-

"Hinata!" It seems like Kageyama has finally snapped out of his trans, but the reason why didn't make Oikawa happy. This would most likely be the only time that Oikawa wasn't happy to see Hinata wake up. Did he jinx himself? The members of Karasuno seemed glad that their small crow was waking up, probably thinking his head injury wouldn't be as bad.

"GUYS, NO!" Oikawa cried out. "This is not good, he should've stayed asleep! It was better... when he was asleep..." All Oikawa could think about was how he had to detach the prosthesis from Hinata's body, and he knows how much that's going to hurt Hinata. He hated being the one giving him that pain.

"What do you mean, HE SHOULD'VE STAYED UNCONSCIOUS?!" This was the first time Oikawa heard Karasuno's coach Ukai say anything, which was surprising. Shouldn't the coach be the first to help? Especially since he should've known about Hinata's leg. After all, he has everyone's medical records. "You know that sleeping after a head injury could possibly make it worse, right? You told him before to stay awake yourself, or do you want him in a coma or something?"

How dare he. How DARE HE SAY THAT TO ME. Oikawa knew he should be respectful towards his elders and teacher, but right now he couldn't care less.

"Do you have ANY IDEA how much pain Hinata was in during his last severe injury? Yes, it looked a bit different from this one, but the pain levels were the same, maybe even more this time. Do you realise that, right now I'm going to have to take of his prosthetic leg, pull it out of the wound, while he is awake, and can FEEL EVERYTHING?!"

No one even considered that, until they heard Hinata groan. It had to be done. They had to worsen his pain right now, so it wouldn't be as bad later.

"Ok, here we go. Daichi, hand me one of the smallest towels you got, please." Hinata looked so scared, which everyone understood, of course.

"Shouyou, this is going to hurt like hell. Maybe even worse than last time." Oikawa saw his eyes widened. Perhaps he shouldn't have said that, but Hinata needed to be prepared. "I'm going to remove your leg now. The wound is pretty deep, so I'll try to be as gentle as I can. Suga will keep holding your hand." Oikawa quickly looked up for confirmation. Suga knew what he meant, and nodded. "Squeeze it as hard as you need to. Suga doesn't mind, truly." Oikawa put the small towel in Hinata's mouth to protect his teeth.

"Tobio-chan, I want you to help freckles here hold Hinata down, and Ukai, can you please hold his other leg?" They all got in position. Now he just needed someone to help him with the leg. Someone gentle, but strong. His first thought was Asahi, but he would most likely faint. He considered Daichi and Iwa-chan, but they're a lot stronger then they realise. Oikawa never thought he'd choose this certain someone he decided was best, but, "Tsukishima, I need you to help me with his leg." Tsukishima's very realistic. He does what he's asked, nothing more nothing less. He knows what he can and can't do and he knows what's necessary. In this moment, he's the best option.

As everyone got into position, Oikawa carefully unlocked the side of the leg that's still attached. Having done this multiple times before made this the easiest part of their mission. "Tsukishima, lift up his prosthesis so it's completely straight, at the same angle as his leg." Tsukishima did exactly that, the slight movements of the leg already hurting Hinata. He noticed how heavy this leg was, and Tsukishima was amazed at how high Hinata could jump even with this thing weighing him down, literally and figuratively.

"Hinata, I'm gonna count to three and then we're gonna pull. It's going to be ok. Everything will be alright." As this point Hinata was crying, both scared and in pain. It was hard for everyone here, no one likes to see a team mate, a good friend or a partner in pain.

Then it happened. Oikawa pulled, slowly at first, while Tsukishima took most of the pressure off of Hinata's leg by holding onto it as much as he could. Oikawa couldn't look at his face, and several of the surrounding guys had to look away. The moment Oikawa removed the last bit of prosthetic Hinata screamed out in pain. A bloodcurdling scream that no one ever hoped to hear come out of their sunshine's mouth.

Blood quickly flowed from the wound, the cut being opened up more by the removal of the prosthesis. Oikawa grabbed some of the cloths Daichi managed to find and began wiping most of the blood away, before asking Asahi for the crème, only to find that he'd passed out. Oikawa's not even surprised, but, honestly, you'd expect a big guy like him to be a bit stronger.

"NOYA!" Asahi wasn't the one needing help right now, Hinata was. "Leave your boyfriend alone for a sec and give me the crème he found. Noya quickly brought it over, wondering what it was for.

While Tsukishima held the cloths over the wound, Oikawa began to massage the crème into the surrounding area, hoping to relieve some of Hinata's pain.

"Hinata uses this stuff to relieve some of the tension and pain on his stump after using it for longer periods of time. I know for a fact that he uses it after every time. He must've hid it so well..." Hinata was still crying, but at least he's no longer screaming out in pain. Either because he got used to it or because he's too far out of it too notice. No one is sure which one they'd prefer.

As soon as he finished with the crème, he wrapped some towels around the cloths on his stump. Hinata's head was still bleeding, it's pretty certain he has a concussion, but he would rather not touch that wound, afraid to make it worse. There's nothing Oikawa can do for him now. All they can do from here on out is wait. Wait for the ambulance to come; Wait for Hinata to wake up; Wait for him to get better.

Wait... and pray that what Oikawa did was enough.


And that was chapter 3! I really hope this chapter didn't drag on too much...

In the next chapter they'll finally get to the hospital, so stay tuned, it'll be up within the next week!

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