It's The Things You Least Expect That Hit You The Hardest

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Who are these boys? Hinata thought. Where even am I? Why do they know my name?

"H-Hinata?" Kageyama didn't even know what to say. He can't be serious, can he?

"What do you mean, Hinata?" Everyone just stood there, not knowing what to do. Being the team mom, Suga decided to take the lead, and carefully approached Hinata, who looked the most confused out of all of them.

"I-I mean, who are you? Why am I here? Why are YOU all here?" Hinata's eyes looked around, frantically looking for answers, clues, anything that could help him understand this situation.

"This isn't funny, bro! I know you like joking around, but we were worried sick about you! First you fall in the middle of the game, then we find out your LEG is MISSING and then you pass out with a bleeding head and the-" Noya was back on the bed, regaining some of his usual energy as he started talking to one of his best mates, until Hinata cut him off.

"Game?" That shut Noya up pretty quickly. Is he- Is he actually serious?

I don't play in games? Hinata became more confused by the second. I don't even have a team. I practise with Tooru in my backyard, and I'll play officially once I get to high school. Then Hinata realised something. Where is his best friend? Tooru should be here. Tooru is ALWAYS here when something happens. Why isn't he here?

Hinata was starting to panic, and the team noticed too, becoming even more nervous than they already were. He only just woke up, he can't get too stressed out right now. They just wanted to be here for him and support him!

"Hinata." Suga put his hand on his arm, but Hinata quickly pulled away. "Please calm down, Hinata."

"Tooru..." Hinata whispered, barely loud enough for anyone to hear. "Tooru." Louder this time, and the team looked at each other. He could remember Oikawa, but not them? And... he calls out to him and not his mother?

"TOORU! TOORU!" All the boys jumped backwards, shocked by Hinata's sudden outburst. "TOORU, WHERE ARE YOU?" Waiting just outside, Oikawa heard Hinata yell out his name and stormed into the room, with Hinata's mother right behind him.

"Shouyou! Shouyou, calm down! It's ok, I'm here." Oikawa grabbed his hands. "Breathe, Shouyou. Breathe." They've done this thousands of times before, Hinata gets a panic attack and Oikawa helps him through it. The boys, minus Ennoshita, who ran out to get a nurse, stood lined up against the wall, once again amazed at how well Oikawa knows how to help Hinata.

"T-Tooru," Hinata was still hyperventilating to some extent, but was starting to calm down. "What happened?"

"Your leg "dislocated" and you had a horrible accident, even worse than the one before. I helped fix you up as much as possible until the ambulance came and took you to the hospital. Now you're here." Oikawa noticed Hinata's puzzled facial expression.


"Yesterday, Shouyou. At the game, remember? You're very first game, against my team!" Tooru would never lie to me. Did I really play in a volleyball game?

"Are these guys... my team mates?" Now Oikawa was the one left confused, not yet aware of Hinata's memory loss. Daichi quickly explained to him what had happened before and why he was screaming for Oikawa. Ennoshita came back with two nurses to check up on Hinata.

"Hinata, dear, how are you feeling?" Still holding onto Oikawa's hand, Hinata squeezed it slightly and received a reassuring look in return.

"I... I can't remember... I don't know any of these boys." Hinata was on the verge of tears, aware that he was hurting their feelings, but not knowing what else to do. "Oikawa, can you please... ask them to leave?" Oikawa did so and they understood. Never before had the team left a room so quietly as right now. Leaving Hinata behind with the nurse and his mother and Oikawa for support, presumably to ask some more questions and hopefully tests to see what's wrong.

The tension in the waiting room was once again very high, and they couldn't wrap their head around what's happening. Not even an hour ago they were sitting here desperately waiting for any news on their team mate, and now they're sitting here, with news, expect said teammate can't remember them.

"FUCK" Everyone was waiting for it, the moment Kageyama would explode. It wasn't a secret that Kageyama liked Hinata. He'd never said it out loud, but he not very good at hiding it either.

"FREAKING DUMBASS! I mean I knew his brain is full of sand, but you'd think he'd at least be smart enough to REMEMBER HIS OWN TEAM!" He was now pacing around the waiting room, worrying the rest of the boys.

"Kageyama..." Daichi tried, before Noya took over from him.

"We're just as upset as you are right now, Kageyama. He's one of our best friends too an-" Kageyama's head spun around so quickly, it's surprising it didn't actually snap off.

"NO! See, that's where you're wrong! We all THOUGHT he was our best friend, but he's not. He's a liar and a cheater, and his best friend is freaking Oikawa-senpai." Kageyama doesn't cry often. Crying makes you weak, and he cannot be weak. He needs to be strong. Only the strong can win. But, right now, he honestly couldn't care less.

"Oikawa was the worst senpai..." He had calmed down a bit, ready to open up to the team. "He never taught me anything, I couldn't ask him any questions. I mean I had the others like Iwaizumi-senpai, and they were awesome, but I'd always looked up to him, you know?" Kageyama paused for a second, burying his head in his hands to hide his tear-stained face. "One night, when I thought I'd ask him to teach me his serve once more, he almost hit me. He completely lost control, and if it wasn't for Iwaizumi-senpai I'd probably have a broken nose." The team was quiet, they knew Oikawa could be intimidating, and he really was a very good player, but they didn't think he'd actually get aggressive like this. Hopefully it was just a one-time thing.

"And then now I find out that, while he refused to teach me anything, he was always training with a boy with one leg. What did he see in a disabled boy that he didn't see in me? I trained so hard, every single day. I took such good care of my body to keep it healthy, I ate proper meals, got enough sleep and stayed hydrated, etc all in the hope that maybe one day he'd see my potential. But no... he would always pick the boy with one leg over me anyway."

"Kageyama, you can't blame Hinata for this. It wasn't his choice to lose his leg, and they went through a lot together, you have to understand that." Daichi tried to reason with him, at which Kageyama just shook his head and continued on with his story.

"BUT HINATA PROMISED ME!" Kageyama suddenly burst out, surprising everyone in the room. "That Oikawa-senpai lied to me I can handle, but not Hinata! I-I've always told him everything about me, and I thought he did the same in return. WAS I NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO HIM? He said he would always be there for me, not only to spike my tosses, but everything else too. We were a team. After what happened at Kitagawa Daiichi, I clung to those words like they were the only thing keeping me in the game. I put SO MUCH trust into him, AND HE NEVER THOUGHT TO TELL ME ABOUT HIS LEG? ABOUT OIKAWA-SENPAI? H-How could he just let me talk shit about Oikawa-senpai, when they're b-best friend? H-Hinata betrayed m-me and I ca-" Kageyama stopped talking when he felt Nishinoya's small arms around his shoulder.

"Hey now, don't be so pessimistic! I'm sure Hinata has his reasons for not telling us! And I'm sure that, once he remembers who we are, which he will," Nishinoya emphasised, "he will tell us everything. In the meantime, we have to keep practising, ok? No slacking off, Hinata wouldn't want that. We will do everything we can to help him regain his memory. Can't have him forget his favourite senpai now, can we?" He proudly stated, pointing at himself, at which Tanaka obviously protested.

"Ok." Kageyama didn't sound convinced, but after seeing the determined look on everyone's faces, he couldn't argue with them. "OK!" He said again, this time much more certain.

That's Noya for you, always having our back and getting us back in action, when we can no longer see the possibilities right in front of us.

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