Support Part 2

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Your POV

"Welcome to the Crew Cabin!" Mark yells as he unlocks the door to the amazing cabin. Everybody awes at the amazing cabin.

hand in hand with Ethan, I feel the baby start to kick rapidly. I should mention that I am 8 and a half months pregnant and we are 14 hours away from any hospital.. get my point?

Mark, Tyler, Amy, Kathryn and Ethan and I walked around, when all of the sudden I felt a tinkle down my leg.

"Um..Ethan?" He looks away from the fireplace and looks at me.


"I think the baby's coming.." Every single person looked at me. Mark immediately picked his phone up and went into the internet.

Ethan came over and sat me on the couch. Amy got me a glass of water, and Kathryn got some towels. Tyler was just frozen.

"Mark, what are you doing?" I asked laughing a little.

"Your obviously not going to make it to a doctor, since your water already broke. We're all going to have to help.. and I'm searching up how to check dilation.." I grab Ethan's hand as I start to feel a contraction.

"Just breathe, and everything will be okay!" Ethan rubbed my shoulders.

{Seven hours later. . . }

Mark and Ethan carried me to a bed, so I could get more comfy.

Mark has been the one doing the 'gross' stuff, like checking my dilation. Have no fucking idea why Ethan can't,   but I just don't care I'm in so much pain.

"Uh.. I think she's 10 centimeters dilated.. AMY!!" Mark said.. then yelled. Amy came running in.

"What? I'm helping Kathryn edit your video!"

"Amy.. I think two human lives are more important then a fucking youtube video! She's only 18!"

"Okay.. what do you want me to do?" Amy said going onto the opposite side of Ethan.

"I'm going to need you Ethan to pull her right leg to you, and you Amy do the same with her left. We need her legs really spread apart!" Amy and Ethan pull my legs, while I have a firm grip on Ethan's free hand.

"When you feel the next contraction, you need to push.. can you do that?" Mark asked in a very calm tone.

"I-I think s-so.." A few seconds later, I started to push. I felt my whole body shake in pain. I stared at Ethan, who stared at me.

"You're doing great!" Ethan said kissing my forehead. I smiled, but I had to push again.

"I can see the head!" Mark said, looking like he was going to cry. I pushed as hard as I could, until I felt the head pop out. "There.. now just the shoulders and then the baby will just slip out!"

I screamed I pain, and Ethan didn't know what to do. Yet Amy just stared at Mark's eyes.

A huge wave of relief hit me. Then I realized that I just gave birth! Mark and Amy grab towels to clean off the baby, while Ethan is crying, saying things like "you did it!" And "I'm so proud of you!"

Mark handed me the small infant.

"Congratulations guys, it's a girl!" I felt a tear fall down my cheek, looking at the baby girl who was an amazing mix of both me and Ethan.

Ethan covered me with a blanket, and joined me on the bed. Mark and Amy left us alone.

"What should we name this adorable little girl?" Ethan asked holding back tears.

We thought for a while, then came up with Julie-Anne Marie.

"Whay about her last name? I have two and you have one!" Ethan said.

"Well.. Let's just go with Nestor.." Ethan  smiled at my remark. "Julie-Anne Marie Nestor.. Hi Jules!"

We heard a knock on the door, and said 'come in' pretty well in unison. The door opened a little, and appeared Tyler.

"Can I come in?" He said with a smile.

"Sure!" Tyler came over to the side Ethan was on, and gave him a huge hug.

"Congratulations Daddy!" Tyler said mid-hug.

"Congratulate her! She's the one that just pushed a huge object out of her and still has her beautiful smile!"

Tyler hugged me, making sure he didn't crush Julie.

"Oh by the way, Mark is downstairs sobbing, repeating 'it's so beautiful!'. I think you broke him!" Tyler and Ethan laughed, followed by a yawn from the infant in my arms.

"She's tired!" Ethan coos.

"So am I!" I said. Ethan takes Julie from my arms.

"Get some sleep, honey. I'll take care of Jules."

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