What Do You See It As?

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Part Two of Coming Out

"Y/N?" Ethan's voice echoedthrough the apartment, trying to find you. "Baby, where are you?" You had your headphones on, so you couldn't hear him.

Ethan opens the door to the bedroom you two share. You pull the headphones off your ears.

"There you are!" He says as he sits next to you.

"What's up?" His hand grabs the back of your neck and quickly pulls you into a kiss. He deepens the kiss by licking your bottom teeth.

"..That." Ethan's smile is so adorable you can't help yourself by kissing him again.

"Hey Ethan?"

"Mmm hmm?"

"What do you see our sex as?" Ethan pulled back and looked at you confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well.. Do you see it as straight sex or.. Gay sex?" Ethan stopped and started to think.

"I've.. Never thought about it really. So what, you have a dick and so do I. Just because I identify as a male and you identify as a femal, doesn't make it gay sex." You smiled, tucking the shoulder lent hair behind your ear. "Everyday you look more like how you want too, and that makes me happy. One day we'll have saved up enough money so you can have top and bottom surgery. Just know that I'll be with you the whole time, and that I love you so, so much."

Your lips connected with his again, smiling. You never loved somebody like you love Ethan.

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