Fishman Fight and our Goals

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Aural, you must recover the blueprints that Iceberg is hiding, a voice said. I know but I have to deal with the fishmen for now. Waking up, she was with a crying Nami. 'Let me guess, Luffy is going to kick some fishman ass.' Smirking she patted the girls head and walked away to the fight. 'Don't worry.'

'It seems the party started without me,' she remarked as she jumped into the pool that connected to the sea. Swimming deep down she saw a scarred man and Nami's sister trying to help her captain. Gesturing toward the cracked concrete, it surged upward to fling her captain in the air.

Smirking at the amazed pair Aural had the water carry her up. Once she finished her walking on water she charged toward a fishman and the two had a fishman karate party. Her opponent seem surprised as she delivered her haki covered kick and sent the clown-fish crashing into the building. Her fellow crewmates finnished off the rest.

Grinning she walked away and enjoyed the scene of happy free humans. It was more enjoyable when the mousy marine got a Nami beating. She was yelling about giving back their money and her tangerines and the gold he stole from her. Well I know what to give her, a tangerine wrapped in beli, Aural thought from her tree branch spot.

After that it was part time, slipping from her spot she wen't to check on Zoro.'It looks like your wound is still fine,' she remarked as she examined her stitch work. Not bothered by the new crew mate examining him he  went back to drinking.

Walking away casually she went to Marry. 'Ah,its going to get crazy and you know that right, Marry.' she said with a sigh as she ran her hands over the sheep figure head. Marry seemed to agree with her, the soft breeze that appeared.  Sitting down she thought of what she was going to have to do soon in the future, she had to protect this idiot crew with her life.

Next Day

She did not have to look to know what was going on. 'Get moving,' she ordered. Ignoring the surprised looks she replied,'Nami wants this so do it.' Standing next to the figure head she looked onward.

'Hey Aural, come over here !' Luffy shouted.  The group was together with a barrel. 'I'm going to become King of the pirates !' Luffy declared. 'Find All Blue,' Sanji said. 'Map the whole sea,' Nami. 'To become a brave warrior of the sea,' Long nose. 'To be the worlds best Swordsman,' Zorro. All looked at her now exactingly.

She had a goal and she hoped they would never find out. 'To travel the world,' she lied sadly. None of them noticed this as they cheered. Smiling softly she left the group.

She knew  were they were heading. If only they knew.

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