Stroking her Naga, Aural stared boredly ahead. Sighing she watched graded tests being handed out. Smirking she model walked to get her paper, 100 %. Smirking she flashed her grade in front of everyone. Rin who had a 2% yelled,'How did that Clown's daughter get that grade ?" While the Mohawk Su something seem to mentally burst into flames,89%.
Shiemi only getting 58, she ended up hiding under her desk. Smirking she replied,' You don't even know anything.' Grinning widely she flicked her uncle's forehead again. Before the half demon could yell the bell rang. 'By Rin ! you really need lessons on you know what. If you admit who is superior I could help you, if you don't you'll get wiped out by the big names !'
Smirking she skipped out of the classroom.
In P.E. she ended up running against Shiemi, a leaper was chasing them. Keeping a calm and collected expression she ran, at a easy pace from the demon. Shiemi seemed to be having trouble running with her kimono. When the girl stumbled and fell she ran in front of the demon and gave it a expressionless look. Backing away the frog like demon sweated.
Once the demon was dragged away by its chain did she leave from her spot. Instead of climbing she jumped up and went back to her seat. The students seem to be backing away from her while Shiemi hesitantly inched toward her. Yawning she sucked on her sucker as she watched Rin and Suguru ? run.
'What a bother,' she muttered as she watched the two fight.
The teacher had a cell call and was now ran like the wind. He shouted about his kitten. Pinky sweat dropped and commented what he said. 'What a weirdo,' she muttered through the sucker. The two Suguru and in ended up messing with the leaper. First to touch it and make it back unharmed wins.
Not caring she slouched back and sucked on her candy, she had no need to intervene and just watched slightly amused. Her Father's little brother was amusing she would admit. After the idiot human got saved by Rin did she crunch her sucker.
Once class was over she got up and motioned to leave when a hand stopped her. Looking back with a bored look. Suguru was blushing. 'You know Okumura right ?' Raising her eye brow she replied in a bored tone,'Yes I know more than anyone in the cram class about him and know I am not going to tell you. You have no right to mess with him, he has enough stress to deal with so don't bother him.'
'What do you mean ?' Looking back at the confused human she replied,'Rin is human, he has feelings unlike how you all think which is why I don't like you all, you hold grudges on the innocents.' With that she walked away.
Class was over so she went back to her room and changed to wander around the school. Her Dad and Uncle were playing another video game. She ended up at the park and played on the swings. Sucking on her candy as she played.
hope you guys like it
Aural is like ariel and it start with A like her uncle amaimon