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Luke chuckles. "I don't recall telling you my name." He takes a step towards me. "that's because you didn't." I state.

"Ahh.... I see." he smirks. I take a step backwards. "you're new here right?" he asks. I nod.

"Yeah... that's why Mr. dale introduced me as a new student." I quote tilting my head, and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Are you an American?" He asks, pointing his finger at me. I use my hand to move it away.

"Yes, very." I say, rolling my eyes, inhaling a deep breath. Luke takes another step towards me. I take a step back. bumping into a locker, I close my eyes then nod my head.


He pets my face with his hand, I turn my head, and he chuckles. His head moves down to my neck, lightly sucking on the skin. I try to push him away, but he holds my wrists down.

He nibbles on the skin causing me to roll my head back. the bell rings and students come rushing out of the classroom doors. he pulls away from me, letting my wrists go.

"I'll be seeing you soon." he says before walking away. his word keep repeating in my.


Yes, finally it's the last period, I make my way down the stairs to my history class.

I walk into my class room, and to my surprise everyone is already here, I take a dear in a desk near the middle and plop down into my seat.

"Okay class, settle down." the teacher says, adjusting her glasses. "class has now begun."

About 5 minutes later the door opens.

"Great." I say under my breath.

"Luke Hemmings, you're late again." Mrs.Norew sighs. "Take your seat." she says hen begins teaching.

Luke notices me,

"Get up." he demands to the boy sitting next to me. The boy hastily gets up, and runs to an empty desk. Luke plops down in the empty desk. He notices me staring and winks at me. I roll my eyes.

25 minutes into class, Luke interrupts my learning.

"Why do we even have to learn about this?" he asks, just loud enough so that only I can here him. "I mean... all of the people are dead, why do we need to learn about them?"

I shake my head, trying to ignore him.

"Get what I mean Thal?" He says, I look over at him, my eyes locking on his blue ones. "Don't call me Thal." I say squinting my eyes.

"Nice hickey." he laughs, pointing to my neck. Holy shit, I didn't even realize he had made a mark on the lower area on my neck. I turn away, covering up the hickey with hair.

"What are you doing after school?" he asks. "that's non of your business." I harshly whisper back.

"Ahem." the teacher clears her throat trying to get my attention. I look up at her, the whole class has their eyes on me. "I'm sorry Thalia was I interrupting you?" she asks.

"Umm... uh...no, sorry." I slouch in my chair. "I'll see you in detention this afternoon." she says. Luke loudly scoffs. I look at him and raise my eyebrow.

"Do you think that's funny Mr.Hemmings?" she asks. Luke shakes his head. "no ma'am, I do not." he rolls his eyes.

"I guess I'll be seeing you both in detention after school." she says.

"Shit." Luke mumbles under his breath.


At the end of the day I enter Ms.vaner's classroom. and sit at a desk. Luke isn't here yet, I'm guessing he's gonna ditch.

Five minutes later Luke enters the room, and sits down in a desk behind me.

"Ok, your detention starts now." ms.Vaners announces and stands up. "you know the rules, I'll be back in an hour." She says locking the door and then leaving.

"Uhhg!" luke groans as he slouches down in his chair. I ignore him for the hundredth time today and put my headphones in my ears. I turn on 'smells like teen spirit' by Nirvana and lay back in my chair.

About 30 minutes later I hear Luke yelling over my music. "Thal!" he yells. "what?!" I yell turning around in my chair. His lip ring in between his teeth.

"Are you listening to Nirvana?" he asks. I nod. "yeah, so..." I sigh. he nods. "sweet, I've never met a girl who listened to nirvana." he replies. Just then the door swings open.

"You two may leave, I forgot I have to meet up my sister for dinner in 15 minutes." Ms.Vaner says. I quickly get up and rush out of the room. I hear foot steps following behind me, I exit the school and make my way to my car. It starts to rain and I run to my car.

I put the key in the ignition and start the car, but it won't start.

"Shit." I say and try it again.


"Great. I say and hit the steering wheel. I grab my pure and put up the hood to my sweater and start to make my way home.

"Need a ride?" A car pulls up to the side of me as I walk. "go away luke." I warn.

"Or what?" he asks. "Could you just leave me alone?!" I yell, the rain soaking my sweater.

"Just come on, your soaked," he begs. "let me give you a ride."

"Fine." I say giving in and get in his car. my makeup is smeared and I look like crap. I wipe under my eyes, whipping off my mascara.

The car stops and I look out the window.

"What are we doing?" i ask. "you're really hot." he says placing his hand on my cheek, I look at his hand it warm against my cheek.

I grip his wrist slightly, then look back up at him. Giving him a confused look. he looks into my eyes and before I know it... his lips are moving in sync with mine. The kiss is slow and smooth.


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