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"Ooh, Ash!" I squeal excitedly like a little girl. "they have cotton candy!" tug at his arm. he rolls.his eyes and laughs as we make out way over to the cotton candy stand. We are at the 'Sydney fun fest carnival.' We spent the whole day driving around Sydney, I never realized how beautiful it was.

Ashton pays for the cotton candy and I thank him as he hands me the stick of cotton candy.

"How much you wanna bed that I can beat you at the ring toss?" I ask while nudging him in the arm, he looks down at me.

"Not a chance." he replies.

"Really?"I smirk while looking up at him, we had stopped walking. "lets go then." I say while running towards the ring toss.

Ashton pays as the man working hands us each 7 rings.

I miss the first time, then make it around the bottle the second. I smile to myself and look over at Ashton. He's made three of his rings land on the top of the bottles. My lips part as I watch him finish.

'He made them all.'

He looks over at me, a smirk placed on his face. "looks like I beat you." he brags. I shake my head. "You little shit." I say, and he laughs loudly.

He picks out the large stuffed turtle as his prize.

"Here." he says and hands me the large stuffed animal. I smile up at him and shake my head.

"No, you won it. you should keep it." I say while pushing towards him.

"Correction," he says. "I won it for you." He says and hands it back over to me. I wrap my arms around it.

"Thanks." I smile.

We make our way over to the Ferris wheel. I gulp, and look up. it's quite high.

"Are you sure you wanna go on this?" I ask nervously. I absolutely hated heights. he looks at me,

"I assume you hate heights?" he asks. I nod, he was correct. "oh come on it'll be fine." he assures.

I finally gave in. we got into one of the carts and started to slowly move up. I tightly gripped the bar that held us in, me eyes were tightly closed. Ashton slid his arm around my waist and pulled my close to him, I burrowed my head in his chest.

"It's okay, I've got you, " he says. "you can look up." he adds. I shake my head into his chest, his smell is a mixture of cologne and food. it's calming.

"Can I trust you?" I ask.


I finally look up, and regret looking down. we were finally at the top. we could see everything: the rest if the carnival, buildings. The night sky was beautiful.

I look at look and give him a smile. The cart jerked forward. I grip onto the bars, my breathing increasing as the cart stopped moving, the lights on the Ferris wheel turning off. leaving us in the darkness of the night sky.

"Ashton." I start to panic. "I.. I can't do this." I say, my breathing becoming heavy.

"It's ok, I'm here with you," he says. "we'll be alright." he reassures.

Just then I hear a boom, and a colorful explosion of colors. I jump up a bit, it startled me. They're just fireworks. it's okay.

Ashton and I continue to watch them. They seen so close to us, and it's so pretty.

"See, this isn't so bad is it?" he wonders aloud and faces me. I shrug.

"It's not too bad." I admit. "I just... still hate the heights." I add. but besides that, it was cool. Ashton had made this while day wonderful, I loved getting to see all around Sydney. Who knew Australia was so beautiful?

I look into Ashton's brown eyes, as they look into my hazel ones. we are both silent, he places his hand on my cheek, and leans in, kissing me.

It was a sweet and passionate kiss, slow and intimate. It was an amazing kiss, especially with the fireworks going on, the cart begins to move again, and we don't break our kiss. his hands are placed on my hips and mine are tangled in his luscious hair.

The kiss becomes deeper and more desperate. our tongues pressing against each other, and his hands squeezing my waist and pulling me closer.


HAI! Sorry that the chapter is a little short://


ANYWAYS. I hope you like the book so far, comment what u think , and don't forget to vote and follow me.

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