Chapter One:

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"I'm gonna miss you so much" my mom cries into my shoulder. I hug her tight and pull away so she's still within arms reach.

"Mom you'll be meeting us down there in two weeks" I laugh and she smiles at me.

"Be good for your grandmother! Help her Around the house and make sure you do everything she ask until I get down there" she points a finger at me warningly.

"I know" I laugh "I gotta go though, they called my flight" I frown . My mom pats my arm and pushes me toward the terminal.

"Be safe!" She calls out. I give her a thumbs up and a small smile before turning around to give the flight intendant my ticket .

I only have a small carry on I brought with me, we are moving with my grandmother to North Carolina so my mom is bringing everything else when she drives down in the moving truck. My grandfather died a few months ago and my mom thinks my grandmother is to old to live by herself. She's in her early 70's but she acts like she's 20. I love my grandmother . The move from California to North Carolina is gonna be a big one though. I'm definitely going to have to make adjustments.

I take my seat in first class . The seats are bigger than the ones in coach. No surprise there. I would have been fine sitting in the cheaper section but my mom insisted on getting me first class because it's a long flight.

I put my headphones in and lay my head against the window. A boy sits next to me and begins to speak but I can't hear him.

I take my headphones out and smile at him.

"I'm sorry I had my headphones in" I apologize politely.

"It's okay" he smiles back and laughs "I just wanted to say hi I guess" he scrunches his face up . He has the bluest eyes I have ever seen in my life. There gorgeous . It makes me jealous.

"Hi" I laugh back at him "I'm Stella"

"Nash" he holds out his hand and I shake it.

"So what takes you to North Carolina?"

"Me and my mom are moving in with my grandmother. What about you?"

"I live there" he says nonchalantly

"Is it nice? I never been there before. My grandparents always came up to see us . We never actually went down there"

"It really depends on where you live but yeah for the most part it's a pretty nice state"

I nod and close my eyes as the plane takes off. I don't like planes. I don't know why I don't like them but they give me anxiety . It sucks .

"So where do you live? If you don't mind me asking" I laugh. I probably sound like a major creep.


"Really? That's where my grandmother lives!"

"Seriously ? Well you found your first new friend" he smiles at me brightly and I smile back. This move might be good after all.

We spend the remainder of the flight getting to know each other and him telling me about the local school and what the people are like.

So far I found out he's 17, his birthday is December 28th, his favorite color is baby blue, and he has a little brother and sister . Named Hayes and skylynn.

"That was a quick flight" I tell him as we walk over to baggage claim.

"It was" he agrees.

We grab our luggage and begin to walk out of the airport . I look for my grandmothers car but I don't see it.

"Excuse me I have to call my ride" I smile and he nods.

"Hey where are you?" I ask my grandma and she gasp.

"Your coming today? Oh dear! I forgot I'm sorry!"

"You forgot ? Grandma!" I sigh into the phone. I look over at Nash and he motions me to get off the phone.

"I'll call you back" I hang up the phone.

"I'll take you home if that's okay with you, Greensboro isn't that big" he offers politely .

"No , no I couldn't ask you to do that"

"I'm offering... It's okay really. I want too" he smiles at me and I smile back.

"I really really appreciate it"

"It's no problem" he leads the way to his car. He owns a nice Range Rover. It's black and red. Something I could never afford with my minimum wage Starbucks job.

I give him the address and we drive in silence . The drive is about 40 minutes but it goes quick , I look out the window taking in the scenery. There's lots of farm land and there's also lots of malls and buildings . Nash was right, it's different everywhere. We arrive in a neighborhood which I assume is my grandmothers . He stops in front of the house and I smile at him.

"Do you live close by?"

"Yeah, about 5 minutes" he smiles back at me.

We exchange numbers and I thank him again.

"I'll text you. Maybe we can make plans soon?" He questions and I bite my lip.

"Yeah that sounds good" I smile and close the door.

There's something about him. I'm not sure what it is, but I want to find out.

Truly Madly Deeply (Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now